Ok, since Ive gotten a few people wanting to do some gaming.
Plus since Memorial day is in tribute to those that server our country!
Midnight to Midnight....ONE DAY ONLY, MEMORIAL DAY!!!!!
Games Allowed:
-Call of Duty World at War
-Call of Duty Modern Warfare
-Modern Warfare 2
Limit: Max games of 2 games per person
Must be in DBGaming to arrange matches (Failure to arrange your games in channel will mean no cf's and a referral to CoJ)
Cf's are normal: 1 for a win, 1/3 for a loss....and Teams will get the same as JA/JO/RC
Report all scores to DB database under "Other gaming"
Also all players must be a member of DJB :P
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hurray gaming on the consoles!
XBL tag on dossier
Guess I'm renting a copy of MW2. I hope the controls are identical on the XBox as the PS3, or I'm gonna get pwn'd.
Alaris, switch the controls to Default Flipped, and they will then be like the Xbox.
My gamer tag for the PS3 is: HeraldOfPwn for anyone who want so to add me. I'll be on in the afternoon on sunday, for all of you PS3 peeps.
Oh yeah, that's for Modern Warfar 2, btw. I don't have any of the other CoD's. Shame, I know...
I hear Blockbuster rents games :P