June 2010 Most Active Gamer Award goes to?


June 2010 Most Active Gamer Award goes to?

Well...what a dog fight between two people and lasting to the final day of June..

First, the honor goes to Robin Hawk for being the Most Active Gamer with 180 matches played in the last 30 days and will receive the distinct honor of being featured in the plot for the upcoming Vendetta.

I need to also recognize 2nd place as well, Kaira Rohana had 161 matches for the month of June.

The next closest person to them was Myself at 104

Both of these ladies did a outstanding feat that hasn't been seen in some time with in the brotherhood! Overall the gaming has drastically picked up over the last two months, and I hope to see this trend continue as I am shooting for 19+ people playing for July!!!!!

May = 15people

June = 19people

July = ??people

Im kicking around an idea of doing something each month fictionally for this "Most Active Gamer Award", since I am doing a year end award for the top four gamers based on win loss record in the Brotherhood (GC - SC - AC - DC merit awards) So keep that in mind when you want to play.

Congratulations Kaira, you are definitely an outstanding player and I am pleased to have been matched with you on this challenge. Yay for you on having the most wins. :)

Thanks FIst for a great comp.

Wow, nice job.

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