Update from the trenches


Update from the trenches

So the month of July is on fire for gaming, already surpassing June by a few people. The servers are getting there use dramatically.

So here is the Update to what has all taken place so far, with just two competitions left for the month. So get your Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast disks out and come play a few.


Empire at War: Hosted by Fremoc

Team Action:

1st place Robin Hawk and Ruluk Tied for the top spot

2nd place Jscumm

3rd place Dante and Fremoc Tied for the spot

Singles Action:

1st place Jscumm

2nd place Dante

3rd place Robin Hawk

Battle Front 2 Bash

Singles Action:

1st place Kaira Rohana

2nd place Dante

3rd place Robin Hawk

Halo 3 Console Event

1st place Araxis

2nd place Methyas

3rd place Celahir

Now for August we have a boat load of competitions going, 13 to be exact.

  1. Bash The Gaming Staff

  2. RC Smash Up

  3. Triple the Knight 3 Pleasure

  4. Howie Special

  5. JO Smash up

  6. What was old, is now new

  7. May the Academy Rise Again

  8. Triple Good Knight 2

  9. Beat down at the Front2

  10. Smack those silly aliens around

  11. Viva la Military Beatdown

  12. Mando Pride

  13. Double Rise of the Empire

I will be sending this out to the clans, that I have been added to their lists. The other clans that haven't I guess your members can be directed to this page at your own accord.


SBL Ma`ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir

The Fist of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood

holy competitions batman!

That is what I thought.

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