August Gaming Spoiler Alert


August Gaming Spoiler Alert

Just wanted people to get a heads on this.

Steam has this game for free right now called Alien Swarm, A coop game, that I will be using for August.

How it will be used will be decided in the coming weeks, and please give massive props to my Magistrate, Fremoc for find this one for us!

Here is the link: Details and Download here

My suggestion is to get this game, get use to how it works, and be ready cause this WILL be used. So grab it while its free!

Another way that we can offer clusters of fire, to those that want to game and either don't have the funds for the Star Wars games or just want one more usable game to play with.

SBL Ma`ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir

The Fist of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood

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