Introducing your new Tribune


Introducing your new Tribune

I was going to wait until after the switch was official... until I realised after it I wouldn't be able to post a News item.

Anubis has been selected as your new Wiki Tribune. I expect to see great things from him during his time in Office and I hope that he grows to love it as much as I did.

As always feel free to email me for general wiki help but anything that requires a decision to be made should probably go to Anubis from now on.

It's been fun working for you all!



Congrats Anubis. You will do a wonderful job!

congrats noobis


Congrats Anubis!!


Oh... wait... he is the Wiki Tribune. Er... congrats Annie? /me loves on his Aedile

Thanks everyone. Especially my out-of-House supporters (Xen, Kalak, Ood, Archangel, Fremoc, etc, etc). But I totally couldn't of done it without Howie and the support of his panda army.


Congrats dude!

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