P:MAA open for applications


P:MAA open for applications

Driftan has stepped down as P:MAA due to a promotion at work (which is good), which means I need a new P:MAA.

if you have applied last time round, and do not want to bother writing a new application, then just let me know to use the old application. I won't give negative points for that.

1) Steady IRC presence.
2) DJK. not because of the rank, but this position requires some good knowledge about the DB. if you think you have that, and are not DJK, you'll have to convince me.
3) the ability to say No, even to your superiors in your own house.
4) the ability to occasionally do some grinding, like putting in a bunch of medals.

the goal of the MAA's office, is to have most things processed within 6 hours, and 12 hours maximum. so, a steady presence is required.

applications (and reminders that I should use the old application) are due on december 18th, in my email.

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