Herald Style Hanukkah goes out with a bang...
For today, the last day of HSH, I'm making the announcement because Shikyo is on his cross-country trip back to his base after holiday. To start, we have the Slayer lightsaber, available at Equite 1. For sabers, we also have the Assimilation hilt, which unlocks at Dark Side Adept.<p>
For robes, we have Jensaarai armor, for both males and females, all unlocking at equite four.<p>
We hope you had a safe and fun New Year's Celebration. Have fun and enjoy!<p>
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Pwtastic Herald Style Hannukkah guys! I cried, I laughed, I...
Jensaraai armor and people gotta wait till EQ4? So bittersweet. Still, GORGEOUS stuff.
Another awesome job Muz, you and Shikyo do make some of the best GFX in this club!!!!! Keep up the good work guys