Jade brought this to my attention and am passing this on to everyone else. In what appears to be an annual competition, the Science Fiction Magazine Albedo One is looking for submissions for the Aeon Award. There is a cash reward involved as well as publication to the winners. Visit the link for further details.
There are some of you in the club with a real knack for fiction, so these may be a good opportunity to try your hands at things. If anyone else ever has details on these sorts of competitions, please feel free to let me know. While we are a Star Wars club, there are many among us who are truly talented and could benefit from such contests
Good luck!
DJM Halcyon Taldrya
Voice of the Brotherhood
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Eh, there's an â¬7 entry fee. While that doesn't quite put this thing on the level of a vanity press (and the magazine in general certainly isn't), I'm still a bit leery of any fees for sending in what is supposed to be a commercially viable work.
Should a DB member place, that would bring interesting options to the table, putting us on the map a bit. Heh, 'ol Headmaster brain ever spinning.
Eh, circulation is about 900 according to Wikipedia, and it's not particularly likely that even a winner could do any useful promotion for us.
In terms of "DB Promotion", this probably isn't all that huge. However, managing to get publicized in some form is never a bad thing and can generally be used for any future writing proposals and the like.
The fee is a bit off-putting, although not exorbitant. However, I am not very familiar on these types of contests as I am not looking to get published myself. For those in the US, the fee is roughly $10-12 depending on the exchange rate at the time.
Well...the way I see things is that...unless we want a bunch of drunk Irish men (stereotype much) crawling around the DB stuck at APP level (just because its a sci-fi mag doesn't mean that they're all into SW) we should keep our hands away from this.
Also a short note: Everyone that enters this competition may not publish or use their 1 page fiction until the magazine with the winners gets released and since its in Ireland no one will really know unless we have a few Irish members that read it (or the competitors get notified by mail).
The entree fee is a huge let down for all non-European citizens and even then....â¬7 for a small chance to appear in a magazine and promote the DB just seems over the top. Until a more viable solution for promotion of the club can be found we should stay away from these 1 in a 1000 chances of gaining attention on foreign soil.
This has nothing to do with promoting the DB. I've posted it here for any actual writers who may be interested in this sort of thing
What Halc said, I didn't mean to start a recruitment discussion out of a writing competition. As the head of DB recruitment, I was just thinking out loud.
As far as the competition goes, I would HOPE a DB member places, just due to the fact that I know there's several of people here with serious talent, rivaling most Star Wars novel authors.