Um... I didn't forget to do this last night. Really. :P Ok, well, whatever, I'll just get on with this!
1: The Great Krath War continues... Currently Aleema are in first place, but, for fairness, I'm allowing Consuls and Proconsuls of all the Clans to participate in Event 3 rather than just the Krathies. Will this change things? Who can tell! Don't let your House down, write a submission today!
(You can find all the information you require on this subject at:
* NB: For those that want to write based on the winning three artefacts, I'm hoping to have those htmled and uploaded tomorrow, so please bear with me.
2: Monthly Topic Results for January are not done yet. This is because I got caught up in doing some project work for someone that is running to an extremely tight deadline. I will endeavour to have results out TOMORROW.
3: I've announced the new February Topics already, but here I am with a quick recap!
Monthly Topic:
Write 1 page minimum of 12 point font on the topic of "Surrender"
Remember to include your ID line and dossier number with your submission!
You may submit in .doc, .rtf, or .txt format. You may zip your submissions if you wish.
Entries are due in by 11.59pm EST on 28th February
Monthly Focus Poem:
For all you poetry lovers out there, a brand new endeavour! :P Basically, I set a topic and a genre of poetry each month and you get to write it.
You can write as many poems as you want to - the more the merrier!
Just remember to include your ID Line and dossier number with each entry!
You can submit in either .txt, .doc, or .rtf format, or you can even paste your entry into the email body if you prefer.
All entries are due in by 11.59pm EST on February 28th.
For the topic and more information pertaining to it, please see:
4: Krath Summits your House Activity Evaluations are due in TODAY! So far I have four. Those three that haven't sent me their evaluations yet, please do.
5: Sorry I can't be at the meeting again today - it's D&D day, as I explain every week! I hope that you'll all get on without me ok. :)
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