Announcements - Krath High Priest


Announcements - Krath High Priest

Um... I didn't forget to do this last night. Really. :P Ok, well, whatever, I'll just get on with this!

1: The Great Krath War continues... Currently Aleema are in first place, but, for fairness, I'm allowing Consuls and Proconsuls of all the Clans to participate in Event 3 rather than just the Krathies. Will this change things? Who can tell! Don't let your House down, write a submission today!
(You can find all the information you require on this subject at:
* NB: For those that want to write based on the winning three artefacts, I'm hoping to have those htmled and uploaded tomorrow, so please bear with me.

2: Monthly Topic Results for January are not done yet. This is because I got caught up in doing some project work for someone that is running to an extremely tight deadline. I will endeavour to have results out TOMORROW.

3: I've announced the new February Topics already, but here I am with a quick recap!

Monthly Topic:

  • Write 1 page minimum of 12 point font on the topic of "Surrender"

  • Remember to include your ID line and dossier number with your submission!

  • You may submit in .doc, .rtf, or .txt format. You may zip your submissions if you wish.

  • Entries are due in by 11.59pm EST on 28th February

Monthly Focus Poem:

  • For all you poetry lovers out there, a brand new endeavour! :P Basically, I set a topic and a genre of poetry each month and you get to write it.

  • You can write as many poems as you want to - the more the merrier!

  • Just remember to include your ID Line and dossier number with each entry!

  • You can submit in either .txt, .doc, or .rtf format, or you can even paste your entry into the email body if you prefer.

  • All entries are due in by 11.59pm EST on February 28th.

  • For the topic and more information pertaining to it, please see:

4: Krath Summits your House Activity Evaluations are due in TODAY! So far I have four. Those three that haven't sent me their evaluations yet, please do.

5: Sorry I can't be at the meeting again today - it's D&D day, as I explain every week! I hope that you'll all get on without me ok. :)

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