PLA QUA Report: 04/04/11


PLA QUA Report: 04/04/11

PLA Header

_**Cocytus System


Imperial Palace

Quaestor's Private Office**

Emperor Xen'Mordin's face was a picture of calm composure as he studied the Plagueian envoys. Seated in a chair with a back nearly high enough to be a throne, yet far too simple, he rested his elbows on a desk of similar fine yet simplistic design. Surrounding him were the white-clad troops of Scholae Palatinae, adorned and armed as the fear-inspiring stormtroopers of Palpatine's Empire had been. His Aedile, robed in black as a typical Dark Jedi, glanced to the leader of the Nightstalkers in his Obelisk armor as the proceedings began.

The Plagueians opposite the desk, along with their black-clad soldiers, were a very different image. Every one of them wore robes of atypical style or modified cut, often overtop of combat armor or uniform. Their lightsabers joined pistols ranging from blasters to slugthrowers, alongside knives, swords, or even collapsible staves. Every one held themselves with Military-style discipline, every one was honed for combat. Another attribute caught Xen'Mordin's eye, though; every set of Ascendant eyes held a glint that spoke toward deadly purpose. He liked that.

His was the golden sceptre; theirs, the iron fist. "Let us begin."_

Another month past on the Plagueian path, another well on its way. In the wake of the Reboot and several pre-Reboot troubles, March was understandably slow to start. However, I am proud to say that the pace has picked up in a few key areas. Now that the proverbial boulder's rolling, we no longer need to push without end; our duty for the month of April is simply to stay out of its way. With the Independence Games coming up and several huge projects well on the way, we can all finally get back to the regular pace of DB life.

Our first piece of news today is one topic that covers a ton of major changes. Thanks to the unyielding effort and pace of Seneschal Orv, we've seen some big improvements to the DJB site. The Codex that we've all relied upon over the years is now located on the DJBWiki, the Wiki itself has been made faster alongside the Forums, and the Forums themselves have been migrated to a better location and layout. In addition, progress on the Possessions System is most welcome. For a full recap, check out the SCL report.

Last month's elevation of Halcyon Taldrya to the post of Deputy Grand Master saw the position of Voice of the Brotherhood left vacant. Now, we see its occupation by an active and equally-dedicated member. Vodo Biask Taldrya has taken up the position and promises to bring fun and excitement to the writers of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. In addition, his report includes a few juicy clues for the future. Have a peek at the Voice report below for complete details.

As seen above, House Scholae Palatinae and the Empire of Cocytus therein moves toward an alliance with House Plagueis and our Jusadih Military Regime. Xen'Mordin has sworn himself to the cause of repairing Palatinae's many faults and flaws, hoping to turn it into an engine of progress and stability for the Brotherhood of tomorrow. To aid in such a cause, all would hopefully be willing, but the Ascendant House will gladly lend its strength. I've said many times that I want Plagueis to one day be a beacon for the Brotherhood's future; in this, we begin to be that beacon.

The Independence Games begin on Exodus Day. I'd like to press two points with this. First and foremost, the IGs are NOT a House-to-House Vendetta. The Games are an event for individual achievement and greatness to shine through. Therefore, I encourage every member to give the event their best showing, not for victory but to show that we are not afraid to try. Like the Spartans at Thermopylae, it's not about winning, it's not about coming out on top; it's about the glory of your skill and your dedication to this Brotherhood. I'd like to stress also that while you fight for your own honor, every attempt you make aids Plagueis in our fight to the top. Whatever you do, wherever you place and whoever you compete against, the very act of competing does the House of Ascendancy justice.

That's all I can think of for the beginning of April. For more comprehensive and detailed DJB info, check out the reports thus far and sure to follow.

Operation: Desert Fortress - This is our first Dominion Rewrite project, designed to remove the inaccurate or unnecessary bits of the planet Kapsina and renovate it into a fitting headquarters for House Plagueis and the JMR. Tasked with the lead on this project is the unceasing Kodais Solatus, a less well-known but no less skilled Knight from Army Branch. Kodais' skill in design and general writing lends itself to this project, while his military involvement outside the Brotherhood has helped us in the past. We look forward to his results.

Operation: Darth Holmes - Yes, that was an obvious pun on Mike Holmes, but it fits perfectly. Renovation of the Plagueis website, a task that is long overdue and badly needed if this House is to succeed, is finally underway. Leading the effort is the indomitable Jaek Aralias, a member who has done nothing but participate and work since his return to PLA. His mad activity is second only to his prowess with coding, and with his work on this project of epic scale well underway, we can look forward to some serious wonders in the near future.

Great Wiki Clean-up - Still underway, well-progressed, and yet still so much to do. Aside from the major things like the Dominion and Branches, we've got a multitude of potential projects and updates awaiting completion. This is a good place for up-and-comers to get some cred with the Summit, and a great way for veterans to pad their dossiers with well-earned rewards. Some projects are big, some small, but all are equally vital to our success. If anyone's interested, let us know.

HSP-PLA Alliance - In the works. We're at the seminal stages for this right now, getting to know our allies and working on the details. Over the weeks following the IGs, expect requests for a small group of dedicated members to participate in a cooperative event. Depending on how well this "taste-tester" goes, we'll see about improving things and scaling them up. In the meantime, I encourage every Plagueian to extend hand and heart toward Palatinae as if they were your Housemates; while all of our Houses need our support, these directly need our involvement as we need theirs. Consider it a precedent of Brotherhood-wide unity.

Hosted by the Voice of the Brotherhood

[VOICE] Death Scene -

Hosted by the Fist of the Brotherhood

[FIST] Soul Calibur 4 Weekend -

End of the Year Gaming -

Plagueian Competitions

Descension of Innocense -

Brotherhood-Wide Competitions

[HRLD] Dark Assassin -

[DGM] Report Lyrics -

#db trivia -

The Army Branch has been rosterized on the DJB site as a Battleteam, specifically the Jusadih Armed Forces. While we will return these to Strike Team status in later days, for now it suits us to have each Branch as a BT. Even so, remember that the BT's ranks are not what matters here. Instead, your Officer Rank will determine your level of command and the units under your control.

Aside from the appointment of Captain Kodais Solatus and Lt. Colonel Jaek Aralias to their respective projects, this month sees another figure rise to greatness from Army. We congratulate Furios, on both his promotion to the prestigious rank of Colonel and his promotion to the even more illustrious rank of Dark Jedi Knight! Well done, Colonel. You're an inspiration to us all, and a point of pride for the Ascendant House.

The Navy Branch has been rosterized on the DJB site as a Battleteam, specifically the Jusadih Naval Command. While we will return these to Strike Team status in later days, for now it suits us to have each Branch as a BT. Even so, remember that the BT's ranks are not what matters here. Instead, your Officer Rank will determine your level of command and the units under your control.

In the wake of Navy's Grand Admiral departing, I have taken temporary control of the Branch. Therefore, I will be running events, ensuring member activity, maintaining mailing lists, and doing whatever else is necessary to ensure smooth operation. In the place of the future Grand Admiral, I have placed an NPC named Zan Tadrian as the leader of Navy Branch. While not a Foxtrot Uniform, he is a competent fighter, a skilled tactician, and has the personal backing of the Supreme Commander... so no sabering him for position.

I'm counting on you, Navy. Let's get this ship afloat.

The Intel Branch has been rosterized on the DJB site as a Battleteam, specifically the Jusadih Intelligence Directorate. While we will return these to Strike Team status in later days, for now it suits us to have each Branch as a BT. Even so, remember that the BT's ranks are not what matters here. Instead, your Officer Rank will determine your level of command and the units under your control.

This month, Intel's had a member that continues to catch our eye. Whether it be in simple competition, in IRC chat, or in larger event, Major Eivil Grimstroke never gives up. Piece by piece, with every event, he grows closer to being yet another member whose activity strains my project-giving capacity. Well done, Major. I hope to see great things from you in the coming months, and to see you rise as a great and skillful Plagueian!

The Corps Branch has been rosterized on the DJB site as a Battleteam, specifically the Jusadih Starfighter Corps. While we will return these to Strike Team status in later days, for now it suits us to have each Branch as a BT. Even so, remember that the BT's ranks are not what matters here. Instead, your Officer Rank will determine your level of command and the units under your control.

Corps Branch has been quiet this past month. However, hope is not lost; though CAG Marshal Tra'an Reith faces the onslaught of Rollmaster, members like Flight Officer Zuser Whuloc continue to break through and fight their way forward. It's all up to you, Corpsmen; a few dedicated members is all it takes to make your unit great. Trust me; it's how Plagueis has survived to where it is today. Show me what you can do.

This month, rather than a member or event, I would give Special Mention to our focus: Activity. Several members are here for the long haul, dedicated to the House and the Brotherhood. Many of you seek ways to help and contribute. To that end, I give you your answer. Participate in competitions. Chat with members on IRC. Contribute on the Wiki and Message Forums. Plagueis now has the infrastructure to grow, it has the basis for greatness; what we need now is simply fuel for the fire. Show the Brotherhood that Plagueis is not weakened, that Plagueis will not die. We are a sleeping beast at the moment, but the time comes to rise, and rise we shall.

This is our moment, ladies and gentlemen, Dark Brethren all. Do not let it go to waste.

"A life of reaction is a life of slavery, intellectually and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action, not reaction."

  • Rita Mae Brown

To sum it up:

  • Big site changes thanks to the SCL, improved Wiki and relocated Forums among them.

  • Lots of goodies in DC and QUA reports, read up.

  • Independence Games start on Exodus Day, be ready.

  • HSP-PLA Alliance incoming, we're all very excited.

  • Planets and Website under development.

  • Want a project? Ask about the Great Wiki Clean-up.

  • DJK Furios! Well done.

  • Kal takes temporary command of Navy Branch.

  • Eivil and Zuser continue to light the path for our Journeymen, well done.

  • Let's kick some ass, take some names, win some events, and shake some hands after the dust settles.

Adapt! Ascend! Avail!

Great Report Kal. Looking forward to to getting this thing going.

Thanks for rec', Kal... And awesome update. (Salute) Adapt. Ascend. Avail.

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