The Games - IG Run-On Start


The Games - IG Run-On Start

For those who signed up, your RO threads have been started. You may find them here.

Quick Reminder and Rules

-Each participant will have a total of three posts.
-You get one post per round.
-The order in which you post in each round rotates and is listed in the opening message of each thread.
-I will be grading on three categories: Contribution to the Run-On, Completion of your posts (you score this by posting three times and lose it by not posting three times), and grammar.
-Each poster has 24hrs to post or you will lose your spot to the next person.
-Use character sheets for reference.

**_## There was a question posed to me: "Vodo will post third in Round 1, first in Round 2, and second in Round 3.

So that means I'll be posting twice in a row, is that correct?" _**

_ Yes, this means you must manually post twice in a row. The 24 hour rule applies here as well, so you can post hours apart. Every participant though must have three total posts. Be careful not to post too early if someone has to post a second time._

Good luck to all who have entered! Email me if you have any questions.

**His Excellency, the Voice of the Brotherhood

Vodo Biask Taldrya**

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