Taldryan Report - 04/05/2011


Taldryan Report - 04/05/2011

-> ### Taldryan Report <small>#6, May 4th 2011</small> <-

Hello everyone, and welcome to the 6th edition of the Taldryan Aedile Report. Because Sid's is almost entirely out of commission for the time being (meaning he can check emails every couple days, IRC access is extremely limited), he won't be able to write a report this month. So this will be more or less a Quaestor report - which is why it's posted on the main page. :P More information on this in the conclusion of the report. Lets get started, shall we?


Independence Games

The Independance Games are over! After two weeks, the top participants have been listed and medals awarded. From Taldryan, several people made the list. More information on that, as well as who in Taldryan placed, will be displayed below under it's own large heading. For now, we get to the aftermath. With the conclusion of the Independence Games, regular activity resumes. Already, Dark Council members and leaders around the Brotherhood are scheduling competitions for their units/the Brotherhood. On a similar note, look for some competitions from your summit. We'll be doing some brainstorming within the next day or two, coming up with competition ideas.

If you have a competition that you'd like to see run, or want to run one yourself, please email the summit (myself, Sidarace, Raiju) with your proposal and whether or not you'd like to run it yourself. We're always open to ideas.

Houses Re-Clanned

On behalf of the Taldryan Summit, I would like to formally congratulate Clan Naga Sadow and Clan Arcona on their massive achievement. These two units worked tirelessly to return to Clan-status, and it really paid off. That said, if for some (god forsaken) reason you want to apply for positions in those Clans, do so. I know some of them are open.


It's official. Clan Naga Sadow and House Taldryan have joined forces both out-of-character and fictionally. Look for joint competitions coming your way within the next few months with the Clan. It was a huge decision that wasn't taken lightly, to join forces. To be honest, the Taldryan Summit couldn't be happier. I've personally worked with several of their leaders in the past (having once been a member), and know the sheer drive that their leaders attain in order to see their unit succeed. This alliance can benefit both units, as we share and grow together. We'll teach them stuff, they'll teach us stuff.

Independence Games

Top 15

The following Taldryan members placed in the list of Top 15 participants for the 2011 Independence Games:

Shadow Taldrya

Tyre Arvalis

Anubis Annedu

Shaz'air Taldrya


The following Taldryan members placed during the 2011 Independence Games.

Shadow Taldrya:

We're Where Now? (Gold)

Who What When Where Why and How? (Gold)

Taking of Antei (Gold)

Sithspawn "Ziggy" Taldrya:

The Great Hunt (Silver)

Vladet Xavier:

Dark Brotherhood Colosseum (Bronze)

Anubis Annedu:

The Games (Gold)

Shaz'air Taldrya:

The Old Tome (Gold)


Taking of Antei (Silver)

Tyre Arvalis:

The Great Hunt (Bronze)

Test Your Mettle (Gold)

Congratulations to everyone that placed/participated! In total, there were 38 entries from Taldryan.


Fist of the Brotherhood

Alien vs Predator | Land Warfare | Special Gaming Event: Allegiance | JA Mosh Pit | Soul Calibur IV Weekends

Deputy Grand Master

Report Lyrics

Araxis Farron

Beat Up the FIST's Praetor: Araxis

Voice of the Brotherhood

Rise of Evil | Force Recon


Dark Brotherhood Sig Banners


Tips for Tools

Don't let other people's problems affect you.

Final Statements

It's been a long month. Everyone was absolutely stoked for the Independence Games, and a decent amount of us that participated managed to place. Makes me very proud to be your Aedile. What happens now? We return to regular competitions, until a time as myself, Sid, and Raiju can work out a joint-competition between Naga Sadow and Taldryan - and the Tenth Great Jedi War rolls around. On the note of Sid: A little while ago, his computer bit the biscuit. Every once in a while he's able to check his email via his siblings computers, but the for the most part he's MIA. This means that for the time being, me/Raiju will be handling the bulk of Summit stuff. It's unfortunate, but it's the way it has to be. I'd like to remind everyone that when submitting to a competition, you are required to CC the activity tracking email, [Log in to view e-mail addresses] (not myself/Sid). Any emails that are sent to us and not the activity tracker will be given a warning that they are to be sent to the proper address.

His Honor,

Sith Battlemaster Anubis Annedu

Aedile of House Taldryan,

Wiki Tribune of the Dark Brotherhood

Boo! =B

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