TOR: E3 Recap


TOR: E3 Recap

Lotssss of lovely TOR stuff at E3 this past week, including the developer Q&A Session where the Dev answered a question pertaining to the release date, stating "We were going to announce it at E3, but Steve thought it'd be funny if we didn't. We are on track for a 2011 release though."

So yay, its coming out this year. And as Araxis said to me the other day, that Steve dude is gonna get carbombed. =/

Anyways click the linky for all the smexy TOR info from the last week: Return, Game play, Raids, and more


Well my other Bioware game got moved to March next year (ME3) so Im hoping they come out with TOR this year. Otherwise Ill be a very sad Obbie. :(

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