For those of us who celebrate today as a holiday, Happy 4th of July! For those who don't, Happy Monday! As I look at the roster of the House, Tarentum has 50 members within its halls. That would be an impressive number, if all of us were active. Unfortunately, not all of us are active. We do have some shining examples of activity, though. Grand Master Havok is working his tail off, trying to represent MP activity (specifically MP flying), and several of our members want to see that form of activity return. MP flying, and even just MP gaming in general, is actually a fun activity to be a part of, and, when you do it with a circle of friends and experienced members that Tarentum has, it can be a rewarding endeavor in making and enhancing friendships that will last for years. Havok has sent out some information about getting XWA (X-Wing Alliance) and XvT (X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter) installed onto newer operating systems and such, and if you need that passed along to help you get it installed, shout out and we'll get that along.
Additional actively involved or returning veterans are also making a stand and showing a great example. Arturis Schulen has put out a competition for us all to be involved in, and it's an interesting prospect for us. Fighting the criminal syndicates that we've recently had a run-in with, who have now retaliated by killing off a member of our House (Arturis himself!) gives us the opportunity to get back to Yridia IX and show some syndicate thugs and skilled mercenaries exactly how lethal the Dark Side allows us to be. Apprentices and Masters alike have the opportunity to take the fight to the syndicates and show them exactly how dangerous each of us is, and should be. Whether you're new to the House, or have been here for many, many years, this is an opportunity for us all to exhibit skill, have some fun, and be involved.
We also have ShadowFoxx (Demos) hard at work making a site for Tarentum's military on, and so far, Demos has created something very rewarding and visually enhancing for what we want to do with the military. Remember, if you want your character to be the kind of Force-user that focuses on personal might, and technological power first and foremost, maybe you need to speak with our military high command about getting involved on that front. Demos ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) is the General of the Armies, Scion ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) is the Admiral of the Navy, and Rax ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) is the Commandant of the Starfighter Corps. Each facet is going to offer a different opportunity for those interested to command anything from a squad, to an entire capital ship, to potentially battalions of troops and squadrons of flying aces. The opportunities are there, and waiting to be explored.
We've also had several members come into Tarentum from the Shadow Academy, and have been working hard to show themselves as dedicated, interested members. I appreciate these people coming into the House, getting involved, and showing the rest of us that activity can come in many forms, and that the Brotherhood has activities for us all to be involved in. Whether we are Grand Master Havok, who has been here for over 16 years, or Apprentice Flint, who has been here almost two weeks, I like to note that both of these guys are participating in a number of things to take note of. We have the Shadow Academy Tests for those who want to be able to do some solo work that can provide worthwhile insight into the Club, or the Star Wars Universe as a whole; we have gaming nights that are Brotherhood-wide, and allow us to compete with members of our own House, and the rest of the Club as well; we have a competition offered by Arturis for everyone to be involved with; and, we also have another competition with our friends and allies of Arcona.
Operation: Ad Infinitum is winding down on some things, as today is the last day for both a Fiction and Graphics event, but there is still time for the ACC portion, the ACB (Arcona Contract Bureau) portion, as well as the Gaming portion. Event details for each of these can be found under the following Competition Details Pages:
We highly value and respect the alliance that we have with Arcona. Our two units have been friends and allies for many years, and Zandro and Wuntila, and the entirety of Arcona has just as much value and respect for our side of the alliance as we do theirs. They have put a lot of time and effort into this competition, and I believe we ought to be putting our best foot forward with their events, as well as with the events put out by Arturis for us. If you don't have anything to do, we need to get you geared and motivated towards these events. It will provide us all with entertainment value and opportunities for growth and experience in the Brotherhood. Every contribution is worthwhile and valuable in a competition like this. It prepared us for upcoming events, like Great Jedi Wars, wherein every submission is key towards victory, as well as personal and House-wide rewards that increase our fleets, troops, and other resources that add to our fictional strength.
Get involved if you have the time. It will lead to personal medals and promotions, and will help us all out along the path to mastery in the Dark Side.
For information on the events sponsored by Arturis, the following Week Two Events is still active:
We're waiting on Week Three Events from Arturis, who will have them out as soon as he is ready for our attention on his plan for Week Three. Be ready for it, guys.
I'm going to leave this report there. When I have time to finish up the report banner I'll be using this week, I'll put this report up on the Brotherhood website. I've got a 12-hour overtime shift I'm trying to get ready for (hooray for being a Paramedic, and extra money for working holidays!), so it'll probably be up later this afternoon or evening when I can work on it from my station. I hope everyone has a great week, and remember. This Club is what we make of it, and the activity and friendship comes from taking in part in what is offered, getting on IRC and getting to know everyone, responding to Tarentum-wide emails, and being a part of things. We have some ideas in the making on upcoming Tarentum run-ons that will be helping to evolve and motivate our continuing storyline towards allies and enemies from the past, and showing Tarentum what the Dark Side is truly capable of, before we turn our attention to the rest of the Brotherhood in our quest for domination. The alliance between Tarentum and Arcona creates one of the most powerful factions of the Brotherhood, and we need to stand up and show the rest of the Club just how strong we are, and just how much ass we can kick.
Have a great week, ladies and gents. If Archean and I can do anything for you, make sure to let us know. Archean's email is [Log in to view e-mail addresses], and mine is [Log in to view e-mail addresses] if you need them. We're happy to help everyone out, and we're working hard to try and provide you with everything you need to be happy and successful in the Club. Run-ons are coming up for some fictional fun and darker stories, so be ready for them.
-DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae
Quaestor, House Tarentum
Sith Order
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