or, as it is also known, performing a DB-wide AWOL check.
over the next few days, all those in the DB will recieve a mail they will need to respond to. failure to do so will result in you being AWOL'ed.
hit 'reply all' to the mail. your leaders will be in the CC, your clanmates will not be. this way, your leaders will also have a copy of your reply, in case I don't recieve it.
don't mail to other addresses. only those replies sent back to the address I will be sending from will be counted.
include your name, ID number, and DB name in the reply. it's quite hard looking for you without that. ;)
-Korras, Master at Arms.
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... bs.
..so just out of curiosity..what is Order 69?
OFH Secret.
The emails I've gotten. I already answered.:P
Good for you, Kazumi.