Tarentum Report, August 2, 2011


Tarentum Report, August 2, 2011


Aloha and good afternoon.

As some of you may be aware, an AWOL check for the entirety of the Dark Brotherhood was administered by the Master-at-Arms, Korras, and affected every House and Clan. Clans Arcona and Naga Sadow, whose membership was above 100 and above 80, respectively, were perhaps less-affected by this AWOL check than the rest of us, but each unit was hit with several AWOL members. Some of you receiving this email will be removed from the roster when the process of removal for this AWOL check is completed. If you choose to come back, we will welcome you back with open arms, of course. In order to return, you will have to log in to the Brotherhood site, and from the member administration center (page), you'll have to request a transfer back into Tarentum. To those who were AWOLed, your presence will be missed, and hopefully, you may choose to return.

To those who answered the call of the AWOL check, you have my thanks. Your continued presence is a strength to Tarentum, and to each other. Above all else, the friendships and bonds that grow within Tarentum make this House what it is, and what it always has been, a place for those who want lasting, perpetual bonds of kin and friendship, and a place to explore the darker nature and aspects of the Club. Tarentum, when it was previously a Clan, was sometimes known as the "Clan of Life and Death," and had built up fictional foundations of darkness in a bond with the beings known as "The Keepers," or, alternatively, "The Keepers of the Secrets of Life and Death." These beings, and the history behind them, was the work of myself, Oberst, Telona, Kidouses, Anshar, and several others over the course of years of writing, competition, and sincere dedication towards adding something with depth and value to Tarentum.

Each of you has the power, the potential, the possibility, and the ability to add to Tarentum with each work you submit, with each moment you spend among your brethren here in Tarentum. Lasting impact can be made when you contribute to what Tarentum is, and what Tarentum can be, and I'd like to encourage everyone to consider that, to keep it in mind, and to decide each day when you have spare time to be a part of what Tarentum is, and what it can be.


Where'd The Women Go?

I've generally made use of scantily-clad women in my report headers, but I decided to go with something different this time, mainly to give people an idea of what is to come. When the Clan Powers underwent a change some months ago from what the old powers had been, to "more canon" powers, two each, to each Clan (before they all reverted to Independent Houses), The Keepers as a concept was written out of Tarentum and destroyed by the Summit at that time. Tarentum's image of itself changes with time, for good or bad, it generally follows the pattern dictated by the Summit. What was successful in the past, in various stages, is successful for any number of reasons. But self-image, self-concept, and self-recognition is always important.

I'm not going to get into too much detail yet, but suffice it to say, the darkness and death, the tales of personal horror, the idea that Tarentum is dreadful and evil on its own terms, in its own ways, is returning. This is not a "Grey Brotherhood." This is not a "Sort of, Kind of Bad Sect of Force Users." This is the Dark Brotherhood, and while there is a Light Side House among us, the rest of us draw upon, and connect with, the Dark Side of the Force for a reason. You can be evil. You can be a powerful force for your own desires, and for the unity that Tarentum has always gravitated towards, and fostered for each other. Power and rule go to the strong, and those will the ability and the will to take what they want, and hold on to what they desire.


Star Wars: The Old Republic

The upcoming MMO has entered Pre-Order, and if you've read what the Fist, Fremoc, has reported recently, there's a Brotherhood-wide Ventrilo server for those who wish to use it. Sivart has also set up an unofficial Ventrilo server, named after Tarentum. There's options. All official Brotherhood communication using Ventrilo will be on the server announced by Fremoc, and the guild for SWTOR is steaming along with anticipation for this upcoming release. If you're planning on being a part of this game, and participating in Tarentum within the MMO, toss Archean and myself an email, and let us know this is where you want to dedicate your time and resources. We'd love to get a count of those interested in TOR, to have an idea of where we need to put some focus and attention for this upcoming area of the Brotherhood.


Tarentum Trivia

I want to start doing regular trivia events, both in my reports (and potentially in Archean's, too, since we'll be switching off weeks and such for reporting duties) and in #tarentum, as well. Trivia in #tarentum will generally consist of being in-channel when the event is held (which will be announced for a few days before it happens, on a regular day and time), and those who participate and win will generally get rewards for it. I need to coordinate this with Korras' office for the rewards, but it's a pretty standard competition and reward.

Report Trivia will be a little different. I'll ask a series of questions in my reports, and you'll be able to submit answers by replying to me, not to the Clan mailing list, with your answers. Since we all live in different time zones, it's not entirely fair to say that the first responses get the rewards, since that just means those in time zones closest to mine, who check email soon after I send a report, would have the advantage. I'll discuss the possibility of having rewards based on correct number of answers, which would allow everyone opportunities for higher-level rewards based on how many you get correct within the time frame of a couple days or so, With all correct getting the highest, and so on down. Like I say, I'll email Korras and get the reward specifics hammered out before I start submitting rewards, but we'll be able to begin with this report. Questions follow.

Trivia For The Week of August 1, 2011

  1. What notorious squadron formed the initial House Tarentum, which was at that time a part of Clan Alvaak? Hint: Three letters (all found in the word "Tarentum"), Greek Alphabet, Grand Master Havok has an intimate history with this particular squadron, as do several others in Tarentum.

  2. Who was the first Quaestor of Tarentum? Hint: He was also the head of the squadron that formed Tarentum, was once a Knight Commander of the Brotherhood, and he's notorious for being a drunk Swede.

  3. Which of the former sects of the Keepers (The Death Dealers and The Watchers) was the more public, and the larger of the two sects? Hint: Oberst belonged to this sect, as did the powerful, and honorable Lord Khyven.

  4. Arcona and Tarentum have shared a deep, and abiding alliance, and we stand as close friends and allies both real and fictional. Sometimes known as "Tarcona," what is the fictional alliance known as? Hint: It's some kind of "Axis," and can be found on the Tarentum Wiki Category.

  5. What system does Tarentum reside in? Hint: It starts with the letter "Y."

  6. What Castle does Tarentum call home? Hint: It's not really a subtle name.

  7. Who is presently the head of Tarentum, sometimes known as the Prince of Yridia?

  8. What is the motto of Tarentum? Hint: It can be found on Tarentum's roster on the Brotherhood site.

  9. What channel on the IRC Undernet is the gathering place of Tarentum? Hint: It's been mentioned in this report. And it's not really a subtle name.

  10. How many of the current Elders of Tarentum (Dark Side Adept and above) have been the heads of Tarentum, whether House or Clan?


The Brotherhood is always changing, and so is Tarentum. It is vitally important that new members are welcomed into the House, and I've been trying to make sure that each member gets a hello on joining, and the I encourage them all to communicate with me. But in the same regard, I want to be able to communicate with everyone, and have a friendly relationship with every member of the House. Each of you is like friends and family to me, and I consider the bonds between us vital, and valuable. I like to know each member, and I like being able to call each of you a friend and kin. If we haven't yet had the chance to get to know each other, I'd really like the opportunity to get to know you.

I'd also like to encourage each of you to get to know the rest of the House, and emailing everyone, discussing Star Wars, discussing Tarentum, and all the facets that make up Tarentum's fictional and background, and whatever else helps make us a success. We need to be united, and that begins with Archean and myself providing the example of activity and communication that we can all follow. Whatever your interests in the Club, in Star Wars in general, and specifically within Tarentum, we want to accommodate that, and we want to make this Club an enjoyable place for you.

Saronyx, Sarconn, X-Pilot and others are generally on #tarentum throughout the day, and are social, up for friendship and conversation, and are great people to get to know. Archean, myself, Oberst, Havok and others are generally in #tarentum throughout the day, as well. If it says "Sith|Out," I'm probably away, but you can leave a message. If my nick is "Bloodfyre," I'm probably there, but it may have been IRC crapping out, and signing back onto my other nick. If I don't answer, I apologize, and I'll hopefully get back to you as soon as I can. If you have questions, comments or concerns, definitely email myself and Archean, and we'll gladly get back to you as soon as we can to help you out.

For new members, again, welcome to Tarentum, and we'll try and help you figure out how to advance along the path towards Knighthood and beyond, and get you involved in the activities the Brotherhood has to offer. We want to make this Club a vital, enduring part of the Star Wars online community, and we want to ensure that Tarentum has everything to offer its members friendships, entertainment, and a place we can all call home.

Have a great week, Tarentum!

-DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae

Quaestor, House Tarentum

Sith Order

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