DGM Competitions for August


DGM Competitions for August

Greeting Everyone,

Rather than doing a full report, I thought I would just let everyone know that there are now two competitions out being run by your Friendly Neighborhood DGM.

The Spy: A simple concept, with lots of room to play in. You have been on an undercover mission for 6 months, infiltrating our opposite half (depending on whether you are a dark or light jedi). It's time to come home and report back. Full details are on the link. Have some fun with this!

Locations of Antei: This is another opportunity for you to make something for the entire DB with your name associated with official DB canon. We are looking at updating and expanding the entire Antei System. It has been neglected for too long, and now is the time for a full revitalization. Your task is to come up with a new design/concept/location in Antei for the use of the DB. Check the link for full details. Be imaginative, and even if you don't "win" your concepts may still be used, with full credit going to you as well

These two competitions run until the end of the month, with 2nd Level Crescents being the minimum award. If I get 10 or more participants than the highly coveted 1st Level Crescents will be up for grabs. Any questions or comments can be thrown my way.

Good luck! I hope to have my e-mail bombarded with submissions this month.

DJM Halcyon Taldrya

Deputy Grand Master

Så mit spørgsmål er, hvad er den medalje.

Sorry I have the wrong language on my Google Translate taken. So my question is what is the medal.

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