Plot Update #4


Plot Update #4

**Residential Block

Tepasi City

Tepasi System**

Methyas was deep in meditation. He explored his emotions carefully, knowing full well the potency of their poison. The past weeks had taught him much of the true nature of the Force and how wrong he had been for all those years. The force was not a tool, as he’d been told, but rather an ally; a friend when in need. It was a powerful entity that permeated his entire being. It surrounded him, enveloped his world and tied everyone and everything to all else.

He explored its tendrils as they wrapped themselves around his body, felt it blow through him as wind through a thin cloth. He followed it as it lead him to other places and other times, let it show him the nature of both the seen and unseen. Though he was now at peace, mostly, there was one place he dare not go. Where the Force shone brightest, white hot, he could not venture. His core was aflame with the power. It frightened him, caused his mind’s eye to turn away for fear of what he might discover.

With the gentle assurance of his Master, the Miraluka cast his gaze upon the ball of white-hot energy that swirled about his center. Its bright light was painful at first to look upon, but within it he saw himself as he could have been all those years. Without pain, without loss and at peace. Forgetting his sorrow, he let those emotions dissolve, he embraced the Force entirely and felt it spread through his body as a hot liquid filling his veins and very being.

With a deep breath he emerged from the meditation renewed and with purpose. Michael Halcyon sat beside him, cross-legged on a cushion much like his own, like-wise emerging from his own trance. The elder man smiled warmly at his Padawan, “I’m pleased Methyas. You’ve shown tremendous growth in such a short time.”

“Thank you, Master Halcyon. I feel better than I can ever remember.”

The man stood and helped his apprentice to his feet, “As well you should! However, I think the time has come… You must return to the source of your pain and help me destroy it.”

“I don’t know that I’m ready.”

Michael smiled at the Miraluka, “You are. You will need this however.”

From the depths of his robes he pulled a single, graceful hilt. With no eyes Methyas didn’t see the beauty of the saber as much as he could feel it. Reaching for it hesitantly at first, he grasped the weapon. He felt the dual crystal arrangement within its focusing chamber, the extended capacitor charge, and the temper of its cool metal surface.

“Thank you, Master.”

**Throne Room

Great Hall

Antei System**

The throne room, normally shrouded in black and darkness, was illuminated partially as the great wooden doors to the hall creaked open. The Royal Guardsmen strained under the weight of the two massive edifices as the wrought iron hinges groaned under the load. Firelight from the artificial torches in the entry cast their orange glow across the first third of the Throne Room, giving very little in the way useful illumination to the sole man who entered.

The man, covered in a distinctive black cloak and an enveloping plain metal mask strode into the hall. His stride suggested confidence and professionalism, but hinted at a sense of caution and uncertainty. The Grand Master’s summons had been short and succinct, much as they always had. As his eye adjusted to the dark he could see the Dark Lord of the Sith standing before the throne, not sitting. The man’s dark eyes pierced his soul leaving a distinct chill. Behind the throne he could only just make out the shape of an abnormally tall Twi’lek in regal attire. His fearsome prosthetic legs were only visible as sharp contours beneath the Councilor’s robes.

Approaching the raised dais of the Iron Throne, Eiko stopped the appropriate number of steps from the Grand Master and took a knee, “What is thy bidding, my Master?”

Without a word the Grand Master reached out and grasped at the man’s throat with the Force. The mask-clad man struggled, snatching at the invisible hands cutting his air-supply short but to no avail. Soon his spasms ceased and the corpse was flung into a small pile of bodies similarly adorned. It was as though the Grand Master was building a small pyre clones.

Darth Ashen’s eyes searched the darkness, seeking the face of the man he could sense clearly enough though he was dampening his force presence, “Eiko, come out.”

From behind a pillar stepped a black-clad man wearing a simple metal mask, “How did you know, my Lord?”

Muz considered the pile of bodies wrathfully in the corner and then the approaching Quaestor, “I didn’t…”

The real Eiko smiled beneath his mask, his eyes flicking over the place the Voice had been standing only moments earlier.

**Royal Intelligence Centre


Cocytus Sytem**

The Lieutenant dutifully sat at his desk, reviewing the incoming and outgoing data that had piled up during his recent Leave. Playing catch up seemed to be all he was ever doing since the Fleet’s embarrassment four weeks prior. His superiors had put pressure on his unit to increase its vigilance where Taldryan was concerned. Naga Sadow may be their enemy first and foremost, but the Taldrya had played their hand and shown their allegiance. He had to admit though, if there was one thing that House was good at, it was keeping a tight lid on its information.

His office was littered with documents pertaining to Tarentum, Plagieus, the Dark Council, even Arcona! Taldryan was a vacuum sealed caf-pack as far as his intelligence capabilities were concerned. They say however that fortune strikes those least expect it. He didn’t recite those words insofar as he wordlessly took the rushed dispatch from the courier and skimmed the report.

Suddenly aware of what he held in his hands the Lieutenant activated the com in his desk, superseding the usual chain of command, “This is Lt. Arma Hiljak, ThX-11738. I have a prior communication for the Quaestor.”

The voice on the other end seemed unconvinced, “Inform him that Taldryan has mobilized a unit against Arcona”.

** Unlos Tagge

Tepasi System

Rhezoi Sector**

They were finally were they needed to be. Fremoc's contacts and alliances, forged over the course of the previous year with a couple shady members of the the criminal underground had finally paid off. All had pinpointed where his cousin had been taken. And just like he had promised, the Fist of the Brotherhood had grabbed his cousin Mirado and Lynyrd, along with his Praetor Araxis. Three men the Fist trusted with his life, as well as being members of his family, and knew the three would be able to complete it.

They had left in the middle of the night on Tarthos, not letting anyone know where they were going, except for the words, Road Trip, left on the table in the middle of Fremoc's home for his wife to see, and promptly shut her out of the connection they held. He didn't want her to find him, or for her know what was going on.

Their shuttle had landed outside of Unlos Tagge, several kilometers from the coordinates the Fist was given. Each man had grabbed their weapons of choice and armor for this mission, not knowing who would be guarding Methyas, and all agreed to keep their lightsabers in concealed compartments in their armor unless absolutely needed. Mirado, the scout and most experienced man with wooded terrain, led the group through the forest. The datapad in the gauntlet on Fremoc's arm showed him they were getting closer.

Mirado, 700 meters in front of you should be the entrance, Fremoc said through the Force meld he had created with his three cousins. The youngest turned and nodded, his pace quickening as the other three kept their weapons at the ready, keeping pace with the scout.

With the Force aiding his eyesight, Mirado saw the opening and waved to his cousins to move up to him. He thought he could feel his older brother's presence below them. It felt as though something had changed in the months of his capture, but he shrugged it off as pre-battle jitters. There were also about six or more other presences that he couldn't figure out who they were but guessed that they were guarding Methyas.

The Fist reached down and brushed off the entrance to the underground bunker that held Methyas. He pulled a small shaped explosive from a pouch on his belt and set the explosive with a ten second fuse before placing it on the sealed entrance. The four members of the team moved away from the entrance, watching it explode, pushing the durasteel inwards. Fremoc was in first, his boots making a loud thud but was met by a large fist square in his face. The Son of Sadow took two steps back, pulling the DC-15s from its holster on his hip and opened fire on the large man in front of him. The blue bolts hitting the armor that the man was wearing, barely affecting him as he continued moving towards the Exarch.

He's wearing durasteel armor, my blasters have no affect on him, growled Fremoc over the Force meld.

Lynyrd was through the hole next, launching himself at Fremoc's attacker. The Zabrak pulled his verpine scatter gun off his back, and putting the business end behind the man's head. Without a moment's delay, the gun sent fragments of the guard's head everywhere.

Figured you needed a hand, said Lynyrd.

_I had him, you shoulda given me some time, _ replied Fremoc.

Yeah yeah, kill em quick and lets get Methyas.

A second guard hearing the noise of the shatter gun going off, came around the corner of the hallway, and brought his blaster rifle up, opening fire on the two Pepoi in the middle of the hallway. Araxis came through the opening, followed closely by Mirado, and pulled his lightsaber from the concealed compartment in his hip, deflecting the bolts that came at the four man team.

_You ladies gonna stop bickering and fire back already? _fired Araxis over the link. Lynyrd automatically stood and opened fire with the shatter gun, pumping shells down the hallway, and was followed immediately afterwards. The guard ducked back behind the corner, giving him some cover as blue bolts and shells pelted the wall behind the spot he had just vacated.

Reloading, said Lynyrd as he pulled new shells from his ammo pouch.

The guard turned the corner again, this time with two other guards, one on the other corner of the hallway, and another running straight at Araxis. The Praetor to the Fist stopped providing his cousin's protection as he engaged the guard, slashing at the sword that was drawn. Fremoc pulled his own lightsaber from the concealed compartment in his chest plate, igniting the emerald blade to provide himself cover from the bolts sizzling at Lynyrd and himself.

We're going loud, said Fremoc. More guards had appeared, pushing Fremoc and Lynyrd backwards. Without thinking, Fremoc shut down his lightsaber and threw it at Lynyrd who caught it, after dropping his shatter gun and continued to provide cover as the Exarch primed the second and last shaped charge. With the aid of the Force, he threw the charge and caused it to attach itself to the cieling above the guards. The explosion caused the cieling to cave in, blocking the intersection off from more guards. The guard that Araxis was engaged stumbled forward with the shock of the explosion, allowing the Templar the briefest of moments to cut the guard's head off.

Mirado left his cousins to deal with the fighting, and began silently moving towards his brother's position. He came to the end of the hallway and peeked around the corner, before moving down the hallway towards his brother's presence. The Templar looked around the next corner, seeing two guards on either side of the door that lead into the room Methyas occupied. There was a loud thud, followed by a rush of wind and dust coming from the hallway Mirado had just left.

_Found Methyas. Two guards outside the door, _ Mirado said over the Force meld. _Everything okay back there? _

Fremoc used the last shape charge on the bastards, replied Araxis.

Coming up on your six now, came Lynyrd.

"Think we should go see what the commotion is?" asked one guard.

"Our orders are to stay here while the prisoner stays put no matter what is going on," replied the second.

"I'm going to check it out."

"Fine, you'll meet the business end of that Jedi’s agent then". As if on queue, the other three members of the team came up next to Mirado.

This one's mine. Mirado and the team stepped back as the lone guard walked around the corner and before the guard could say anything, Mirado had jammed a knife straight through the man's chin and into his brain, killing him quietly and effectively. The body slumped to the floor with the help of Mirado, but the guard's blaster rifle hit the floor, followed by a discharge of the weapon.

"Gavin, you still checking things out?" The second guard began to walk towards the corner, alerted by the rifle's discharge.

I got him, said Lynyrd, raising his shatter gun up to watch the corner. The guard turned the corner and was immediately met by a slug to the left portion of his face. A spasm went through the guard's body as he fell, causing his finger to depress on his rifle's trigger, lighting up the entire hallway. Bolts sprayed from the muzzle, catching Araxis between armored plates on his bicep. He gripped at it painfulfully but noticed the Fist staring at had once been his right hand. In its place was a mess of meat and bone, the result of a chance hit by a stray bolt to his saber’s powerpack.

Fierfek, Frem’s hit!, Araxis forgot the searing pain in his arm and rushed to the Fist’s side. This is a mess, I’m applying a turnaquite.

Mirado, get that door open and let's get Methyas out of here. The alarm in this place might go off any moment, Fremoc grunted through gritted teeth as he bent down and down to his knees in pain. Mirado and Lynyrd had been using their lightsabers to cut through the metal door, giving the four enough room to enter. Mirado was first to enter the room, followed by Lynyrd and Fremoc; Araxis opting to stay outside while they got Methyas. The Proconsul of Naga Sadow was sitting cross legged in the middle of the room, his eyes shut as if in deep meditation.

"Methyas, let's get you home," said Mirado, reaching down to pick his brother up.

"Lynyrd grab him and lets get home," ordered the Fist of the Brotherhood, his anger pouring from his body as he grabbed his hand and totalled lightsaber.

Rescue written and provided by Fremoc Pepoi Sadow

**Menat Ombo

New Tython

Yhi System**

The council sat in round, as was their custom. The mood was somber as Ji finished his resignation speech.

“…and that is why I must step down from this honored position. I thank this Council for its support over the years and its trust in me. I pray that you will find a suitable replacement quickly as time is of the utmost importance. For now, I ask that you allow my deputy, Kaira Rohana, to stand in my place.”

There was murmuring around the room as the councilors consulted one another. A notable figure among them stood and bowed his head respectfully to the Gand, “We assent to this. We also thank you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you well on your journey. May the Force be with you.”

Ji bowed from the waist, “And you all.”

**Detention Block AA-69

Orbital Gas Refinery

Dajorra System**

The room was bleak. Grey walls, no windows, and a powerful energy barrier tinting everything a harsh red. It was not a pleasant place to be trapped and was made nearly intolerable by the wailing sounds of the harmonica played by what could only generously be called an inexperienced performer.

Shadow Taldrya took one more look around the cell and dropped to the ground with a long-suffering sigh. Missions like these were the worst. Having drawn the short stick, he was trapped in a small hell with fellow Old Folks' Home member, and resident "eccentric", Howlader. Despite having been searched, disarmed, then probed for good measure, the old man had somehow managed to inexplicitly pull the small instrument from somewhere within his robes.

Just as the Obelisk leaned back to rest, he sat back up, having heard the sound of a set of footsteps over the noise produced by his cellmate. A moment later, the cell door opened with a soft whoosh to reveal an overly attractive and unfortunately male Hapan in finely tailored, black matte armor. Cool eyes gauged the captured Dark Jedi as a small, smug smile stretched across the man's lips.

Marick Del'Abbot. Arconan. Quaestor of Qel-Droma. He had been given a nigh-impossible task and had succeeded. He had managed to capture and subdue two of Taldryan's most infamous warriors with hardly a struggle. Marick knew that, despite the difficulty the mission offered, he could achieve his task as long as he was armed with the most potent of weapons—information.

Another Hapan appeared behind him, blessedly female, and handed over a small datapad. The two whispered together quietly for a moment before the young woman offered Marick a small kiss on the cheek and disappeared down the prison corridor. Marick returned his attention to his waiting captives, ready to address them, but was interrupted before he could get the first word out.

"Aren't you a little straight for an Arconan?" Shadow asked, head cocked to the side with an overly puzzled look across his face. He was desperately trying to understand the scene he just witnessed… it did not fit with what he knew about men from Arconan.

"Charming...," the Hapan's azure eyes hardened imperceptibly at the slight, but otherwise he did not rise to the bait. It was, after all, to be expected from members of Taldryan.

"Why have you imprisoned us?" Shadow suddenly demanded, his voice rising over the shrill piercing note of the harmonica. "I swear, she told me she was eighteen!"

The "note", if it could be called such, ended abruptly as Howlader sniggered in the corner. Marick, clearly unimpressed, cast a withering glare at the old Sith before redirecting his ire at Shadow.

"You have been imprisoned," the Arconan explained, "for conspiring to launch an unprovoked attack against this facility, in violation of the forms of vendetta. Or at least, that's what my report to the Council will say. In truth, you've been imprisoned by me because you were too arrogant and far less skilled than your reputation.

Shadow turned from the Hapan to Howlader, who looked sheepishly at the ground. "I told you not to tell them you were the 'Great and powerful Mejas'," he scolded.

Howlader shrugged meekly. "I thought they'd fall for it?"

"Like any of these newbs even knows who Mejas is," Shadow rolled his eyes. "Plus the arm waving and fake horns were a little much."

"That's beca—"

"Silence," the Arconan commanded. "Is this really the best Taldryan has to offer? It's no wonder you've lost your position as the most powerful unit of the Brotherhood," Marick sneered. "This failed endeavor will be just one more black mark on your ever-diminishing record."

Silence. Marick waited patiently for the expected show of bravado, the false truths that would spill from his captives mouths but, instead, Howlader picked up his tiny instrument and started playing again. Ignoring the insults to his House, Shadow turned towards the venerable Sith with a curious frown on his face. "Where did you get that thing anyways?"

**3 Hours Earlier…

XS-800 Senility

Nearing Ereboros

Dajorra System**

"This is not going to work."

"Why didn't you say so before?"

"I did say so before."

Benevolent Taldrya Whiner muttered darkly to himself as he tried to painstakingly repair the prototype droid he had been working on for the last month. He wasn't sure which was the culprit, but one of his team members had managed to find the droid, hack its systems, and install a protocol called "Hooker1" which overrode all other commands. It was decidedly not the best start to a mission.

"Seriously, how hard can it be?" Shadow asked, as he shuffled the Sabaac deck with practiced ease. His opponent, Howlader, had already fallen asleep across the table and was currently drooling over his stack of chips. It was fairly typical behavior, which explained why the table was covered in so many stains. Well… it was one of the explanations.

For the last ten minutes, Shadow had been trying to sell Benevolent on tackling the first stage of the mission and he felt he was close to succeeding. After all, Benevolent was basically the team's whipping boy. As long as he took care of the first part, Shadow could be the big hero in the second.

The mission was simple enough. Shaz'air Taldrya, leader of Taldryan, had sent orders to the Old Folks' Home, the notorious "care center" for aging Taldryan members. The objective was clear: destroy the gas refinery orbiting the Arcona-controlled planet of Ereboros. Aside from that, no other command or protocol was given, which made sense as Shaz'air knew the Old Folks' Home tended to play by their own rules. It was one of the things that made them so special… and such a headache for their de factor leader, Benevolent.

"I really hate it when you say that," Benevolent growled as he continued to tinker.

The three Dark Jedi were only a short distance from their destination, flying comfortably in the bowels of Senility, the flagship of the Old Folks' Home. The team had deemed the mission "simple to the point of boring", which was why they had drawn straws to see who would go.

Benevolent tapped at the droid's sticky holoprojection port.

"Oh yeah, baby," a sultry female voice unexpectedly yelled. Benevolent blinked in surprise as a holographic image of a scantily clad Twi'Lek female appeared before him. The tiny figure began gyrating in front of the Primarch's eyes as peals of laughter came from the other side of the common area.

"Geeze, Ben," Shadow laughed, "I think she likes you. But, you know what they say—'Good with remotes is one thing,'" he quoted with a smirk. "'Good with the living, that's something else.'"

"Damn you people," Benevolent tossed the corrupted droid away. He had no intention of ever touching the thing again. "That's it. Just for that, I'm making you two take the first part of the mission!"

Howlader awoke with a loud snort. "What?" he demanded, incredulous. "Since when do I leave the ship?"

"Since one of you bastards violated my droid," Benevolent barked back. "You two are going and that's final."

This declaration was met with a barrage of whining and increasingly un-witty sexual innuendos. Another ten minutes passed before the two Elder Jedi, finally out of material, acquiesced to the Primarch's demands. Still, it appeared as though Howlader was very close to throwing a tantrum.

Benevolent merely shook his head in exasperation. "I love it when a plan comes together," he sighed.

**_Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom (Arcona Headquarters)… _

The Citadel


Dajorra System**

"My lord,"

"Enter, Marick."

"Scholae Palatinae Intelligence has intercepted a series of coded communications between high-ranking members of the House Taldryan.

"Coded?", the Proconsul sat up in his chair, suddenly very interested.

"It was an older code, my lord. I theorize that the Summit was forced to rely on old practiced to get in contact with these…_ particular_ members."


Marick deftly removed a data file from his belt and placed it on the Proconsul's desk, nodding slightly at the device. "This contains a dossier on each member of Taldryan's "Old Folks' Home", an obvious cover for a far more insidious black ops team. I believe the orders were sent to these men."

The Proconsul's raised eyebrow betrayed his interest in the surprising roster. "I still don't see how a coded message helps us, Marick."

Marick smiled. "A former member of Taldryan, from many years past, was able to decipher the message. Here," he slid another file across the table's surface, "are the orders the Home received."

"I see Taldryan no longer believes itself above the use of treachery."

"No, my lord."

"Still… with so many of our resourced tied up in other affairs, it will be difficult to counter the power of a twice former Grand Master."

"That won't be a problem, my lord. I have taken the liberty to leak certain… details... about an operation that will be of great interest to the leaders of Taldryan. My people have confirmed that Jac Cotelin has been dispatched and is… unavailable for the planned attack."

"Indeed, Marick? Then I will leave this mission in your hands."

"Thank you, my lord."

"And Marick."


"Don't underestimate them."

Marick Del'Abbot walked briskly through the corridors of The Citadel, making his way towards the shuttle prepped and waiting to deliver him to Ereboros. With the information he had gathered, he could assume Taldryan would send some of their oldest, most powerful members to accomplish such a mission. Fortunately, he had had plenty of warning to prepare.

A shrill beep sounded from his belt and he smiled, taking out the communicator with expectation.


"My lord, the plan has been set in motion. Everything will be ready by the time you arrive."



Orbital Gas Refinery

Orbiting Ereboros

Dajorra System**

Benevolent Taldrya Whiner slipped silently through the unpatrolled halls of the Arconan refinery, covertly making his way towards his objective. Thirty minutes had already passed since his comrades had been captured and time was rapidly running out.

Benevolent took a quick peek around the corner and saw the coast was clear. With a cunning smile he dashed forward, needlessly rolling and slipping in and out of cover.

"There's a man who leads a life of danger. To everyone he meets he stays a stranger." The lyrics rolled off his tongue as he ventured deeper into the enemy facility.

"_With every move he makes, another chance he takes. Odds are he won't live to see tomorrow. _" The device in his hand chirped, indicating he was nearing his target. Just a little bit further to go. "_Secret agent man. Secret agent man. They've given you a number, and taken away your name. _"

"Hey, who the hell are you? What are you doing here," a pair of armed troopers demanded. They had obviously overheard his off-key singing and come to investigate.

"Let me see your identification." A pair of rifles were aimed square at the Primarch's chest from less than a yard away. Benevolent knew he'd have to improvise.

With a bit of effort, Benevolent reached out to the Force and pushed himself into the feeble minds of the small-time security guards. "You don't need to see my identification," he informed the pair with a slight wave of his hand.

The troopers blinked in confusion and repeated in unison: "We don't need to see his identification."

" I'm not the guy you're looking for."

" He's not the guy we're looking for."

" I can go about his business."

" He can go about his business."

Now that that's out of the way, Ben mused under his breath. He had to get rid of these two somehow without tipping off any of the other guards stationed here. Something normal that would be seen as a regular, daily activity. "Aha! Go tie a bow around yourselves and wait in Dash's quarters."

"Let's go—wait, again?" The pair ran off do fulfill their Arconan obligations leaving Benevolent alone with the controls to the tractor beam array.

With deft fingers, Benevolent overrode the consoles safety protocols and re-positioned the tractor beam to aim towards the nearby asteroid field. A few simple commands later and the generator powered up, a great cacophony of noise as the beam emitted a pulsing energy that captured the nearest asteroid and pulled it rapidly towards the defenseless station.

With his work complete, Benevolent activated his lightsaber and slashed it across the control panel to prevent anyone from altering his sabotage. In a matter of minutes, a three ton ball of ice and ore would collide with the station, obliterating it and everyone aboard. It was nice to finally be able to play the pivotal role in a mission, the Obelisk thought to himself as he resumed his secret agent song.

**Prison Cells

Orbital Gas Refinery

Dajorra System**

"Let's try this again," Marick Del'Abbot commanded. It had been only twenty minutes since the interrogation of the Taldryan duo had begun, but already he was on the verge of a massive headache. The Taldryan Jedi were proving either well-skilled in resisting his interrogation techniques or, far more likely, were just complete and utter fools. Weariness was beginning to weigh and he had already sent someone to bring more caf.

Marick turned expectantly at the sound of the door being opened and was confronted with one of the younger members of the Clan, anxiously holding a mug out to him. He quickly grabbed it from the girl but, before he could take a sip, a warning klaxon rang throughout the facility as emergency lights activated.

"Another headache?" he pinched the bridge of his nose. "You," he turned on the frightened Journeyman. "Remain here and wait for my return. I shall see to this." The Prelate stalked out of the room, leaving the young woman alone outside the cell of the two Elders.

Shadow turned to Howlader and winked.

**Hangar Bay

Orbital Gas Refinery

Dajorra System**

Benevolent slipped quickly through the chaos wrought by the oncoming asteroid, making his way swiftly towards the team's rendezvous point in the hangar bay. If all had gone to plan, Shadow and Howlader would be making their escape at any moment and would meet him before the facility became nothing more than bits of debris orbiting the planet.


Before reaching the hangar, Benevolent stopped to scan the room ahead. Officers, troopers, and a few random Jedi were in the process of escaping, but no one seemed to be actively looking for the saboteur. The coast was clear for him to procure a ship and prep their escape.

"Going somewhere?" a cold voice as he stepped into the hangar.

Benevolent turned to see a young Hapan standing before him, the hilt of a lightsaber already in hand, and a look of intense displeasure marring the otherwise attractive features.

"Was planning on it," he replied off-handedly. There really wasn't time for this.

"I've already captured your friends. You may as well join them no—"

The sudden impact and explosion threw both Jedi across the floor, sprawled haphazardly as the asteroid finally arrived. Screams could be heard in the distance, amidst the sound of metal being torn under the massive onslaught. Benevolent pulled his lightsaber and jumped to his feet, just in time to meet Marick's blade.

"Damn, that was worse than I thought it would be," Howlader exclaimed as he and Shadow made their way through the panicked crowds towards the rendezvous point.

"Yeah, I guess Ben can handle things once in a while," Shadow admitted.

"I was talking about the girl."

"Hey," Shadow growled, "it beat escaping down that garbage chute,"

"The chute was probably less dirty," Howlader laughed.

The pair made their way unmolested through the crumbling corridors to the hangar bay in time to see Benevolent dueling with their former captor. "Ben!" Shadow shouted in greeting, arms opened wide in invitation. "I knew you'd come to rescue me."

The Primarch rolled his eyes and parried another flurry of attacks. "You see?" he asked,

"This is how things are supposed to go when you actually follow the plan."

"Plan?" Marick demanded, jumping out of reach of Benevolent's counter attack.

"Of course," the Primarch explained. "We knew Scholae’s spies would uncover our Quaestor's plot. I mean, I love the guy, but a master strategist he is not." He gestured with his offhand to the two Elders waiting in the wings. "So I sent Howie and Shad ahead to keep you entertained. Judging from that murderous look on your face, you didn't find them amusing?"

Having been their "leader" for so many years, Benevolent knew well how aggravating the pair could be. He was enjoying this turn of events… for once he was not the one with a massive migraine. As an added bonus, it looked like Marick was near his breaking point. The Prelate took two running steps and leapt towards the Sergeant, his cyan blade flashing in an arc of pure, murderous intent.

Benevolent stood as if frozen, looking slightly fazed. He nodded to himself and disarmed his weapon, leaving himself wide open to the Arconan's attack. With a furious shout of rage, Marick slashed through his enemy. Benevolent disappeared in a pile of robes.

"Nooooooooooo!" Shadow couldn't believe it. Could Benevolent really have succumbed to the Force? Marick smiled grimly, pleased with himself, then grunted in pain.

Benevolent suddenly re-appeared behind him, naked, having phased through the floor at the last second. In his hand he held a dagger which was lodged deep into the Hapan's back, between the shoulder blades.

"Well, that's that," Benevolent withdrew his weapon and dusted himself off. "By the way, Shad, a few minutes ago I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I feared something terrible had happened..."

"Dammit, she wasn't that bad looking," Shadow snapped to the intense amusement of Howlader. "And that's beside the point, Ben. Naked fighting is MY thing," he complained as Benevolent jogged over to reunite with the team.

Howlader pulled a top-hat from some hidden place within his robes and tossed it to the birthday suited Primarch who used it to cover his shame. "I never agreed to this."

"I had to improvise, Shad. I felt it added a bit more gravitas to the scene."



"Damnit. Just who the hell are you people?!" Marick demanded, lying in a pool of his own blood, but clearly well enough to be annoyed by the ridiculous bantering.

Howlader turned back to the fallen Hapan and calmly raised the sunglasses he was inexplicitly wearing, "We’re the Old Folks' Home."

The three Old Folks' members suddenly broke out in a jumping high five as explosions rocked the refinery.

With no more time to waste, the trio boarded the nearest shuttle and took to the air as the refinery began coming apart around them. "Can't get out that way," Benevolent warned, pointing out the destruction of the hangar bay's exit.

"Nice work, Ben. Looks like you've managed to cut off our only escape route," Shadow pointed out smugly.

Sarcastically, Benevolent countered, "maybe you'd like to go back to your cell, your whoryness."

Howlader quickly pulled back on the shuttle's controls, aiming the nose of the ship towards the center of the crumbling facility. "Don't worry, guys. I've got this."

"Oh god no," Benevolent whispered. "An 'Oh Howie'?!"

The "Oh Howie" was the technical term used by members of the Old Folks' Home to describe the insane, dangerous, and often suicidal piloting maneuvers Howlader would often attempt in the face of overwhelming odds. Though his gambits generally paid off, the stunts were easily terrifying enough to shave a couple of years off anyone unlucky enough to be a passenger.

"I AM A LEAF ON THE WIND," Howlader suddenly yelled as he closed his eyes and accelerated. In his mind, he pulled on all his power and cunning to fly the ship perfectly through the carnage, obtaining nary a scratch. Or, it seemed that way to him because he had fallen asleep.

In reality, Benevolent and Shadow were desperately combining their powers to push objects out of their flight path with telekinesis. The low thuds that constantly sounded against the ship's hull were the poor facility staffers who had been unable to move out of the way fast enough. After several terrifying minutes, the ship cleared the wreckage of the facility and blasted into space leaving its own trail of death in its wake.

"Mission accomplished," Benevolent exhaled in relief.

Old Folks Home vs. Refinery written and provided by Shadow Taldrya

Big thanks to Shad and Frem for their contributions to this Month's Update!

I loved it. Excellent writing!!

For this story and other OFH adventures (in pdf format!) please check out the OFH Wiki Page --

PS: Don't follow that link if you lack a sense of humor :P

That last part was awesome.

The Council seeking out the approval/input of the Arconan Consul and Proconsul was greatly appreciated.

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