Report Time!
It has been a busy few weeks but that is fantastic. We've been seeing a boost in activity, house numbers and interest around the board. We are also close at hand to the Tenth Great Jedi War, the end of the Shards runon, and the continuation of our development of as a strong house. I look forward to seeing how you all bring your talents to the table and work toward bettering ourself and the DB as a whole.
Obviously the biggest news is the coming of the GJW. For those of you who aren't familiar with this, the GJW is a huge event for the entire DB. It will span a total of four weeks. Four weeks of competitions where we can prove our merit as a house and you can carve out your own piece of merit as a Hero of the War. Wars can shape the future of our house and I hope that each of you can give a strong showing in it.
I will be sending out a few things as we lead up to the 25th with the hopes it will help prepare you for competitions in the GJW. Just remember to the victor goes the spoils.
The Shards joint runon is in its final stage. I want to thank our house members who have put forth a wonderful effort in making the first of our Alliance events a great success. Look forward for even more interactions in the future following the GJW.
I also want to give props to our active Journeymen who has taken a very strong stance to move themselves forward here in the Brotherhood. Specifically I want to thank Jorm for running two excellent competitions, Akatsuki for continuing her fabulous work as a recruiter, kazumi for her continued strives to improve and communicate and Shadow Nighthunter for her steady work and growing interest in the club.
Also because I feel it isn't brought up enough, I want to thank the rest of the HSP Summit and advisors for their hard diligent work to better this house. There is a lot of work, energy, passion and love that goes into this house and I want them all to know how much I appreciate their efforts and support. It is EVERYONE in the house working together that make HSP such a special place so thank you to each and everyone of you. Each of you bring something unique to the table and I thank you for making HSP the place that it is. I can work until the end of time for this house but it is you, the members of this great house, that make it something great.
We have seen a fantastic increase in activity. My inbox has been getting more and more busy with emails about what you all have been doing. I do want to bring up a few suggestions for our newer members (and remind some of the older ones). First is make sure you CC at least myself on your competition submissions (unless I am the one running it) I get emails if you place but not just if you participate. It helps me know you are doing things and increases odds of you getting a wonderful merit medal as well.
Second is the forums. Yes we have forums still and they are fantastic. But they require you the fine members of HSP to have them thrive! If you aren't registered for the forums go and do so! If you are there is no reason for you not to visit them and post, start new topics, and contribute to them. Forums are a great way have a conversation with many people and keep it there so everyone can participate regardless of where they are in the world.
Third is more of an abstract point. Have fun. That is what all of the leaders of the DB work to provide for you. There is no reason to get super stressed over things. Don't over think this experience. At its core the DB is a group of Star Wars fans who just want to have fun with their love of this great universe that was created.
That concludes another Report. I hope you all are doing well and are getting pumped for the GJW. Also don't forget about My Formspring Page for any anonymous questions you might want to ask me.
*GJW starts on the 25th
*Shards Runon is in its final part
*Thanks to everyone for being awesome
*Go visit the forums and post!
For the EMPIRE!
Xen'Mordin Vismorsus
Quaestor of Scholae Palatinae
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Well done and clear Xen.