Star Wars Comic News


Star Wars Comic News


The New York Comic-Con is currently going on, and Dark Horse made a few announcement yesterday concerning the Star Wars line of comics.

Star Wars: Blood Ties – Boba Fett is Dead - Well, that title does grab you. The first "Blood Ties" mini-series was pretty good, with the art being the real selling point. Not sure if it's the same artist here or not.

Star Wars: Knight Errant - Escape - I actually enjoyed the Knight Errant novel more than I have the comic mini-series around the Kerra Holt character.

Star Wars: Darth Vader and The Ghost Prison - Another mini-series chronicling a Darth Vader mission between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.

Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - This is one of the titles that I'm very much looking forward to. I'm hoping this is an ongoing series, and not a mini-series. It's by what I consider the "top" Star Wars creative team of John Ostrander and Jan Duursema who produced a lot of the Republic/Clone Wars issues years back, as well as recently did the Legacy series of comics. They are now focusing on an area not really fleshed out, detailing how the jedi first formed.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic—War - This is the other series I'm looking forward to, as it's a continuation of Zayne Carrick's story. It appears they are bringing it closer and closer to the first Kotor game

Should be a little something in there for everyone, although I do wish they would make a few comics set around the time of the current novels.

Cool, thanks for keeping us updated!

It will probably be Mirta Gev that avenges him lol. Granddaughter. Either that or someone we haven't even thought about thinking of...:P

Hurray for Dawn of the Jedi Meh to the rest.

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