[TOR] News


[TOR] News


Friday's update was released, and this week they are showing off the Imperial Agent progression. Click here to see more.

Also they released information about early access. A few days prior to December 15th, you will receive an email explaining how to get the TOR client, so that you can play on December 15th or sometime between the 5 days prior to launch.

Phase 3 of The Old Republic's guild system went live the other day. Basically it was a check to make sure that our guild had enough members to be automatically transferred into the game. We have the necessary requirement for our guild to be transferred so no worries there. An announcement with the server we'll be put on will be made later.

Lastly, we are still looking for Community Helpers, PvP leaders, and Raid leaders. You've all seen this before but I'm going to place it here again if your interested:

-Email Myself and Araxis and Tyno

-State which position you would like

-Why you would want that position (I'm not looking for an essay here :P)

-Past MMO experiences.

-Whether or not you have pre-ordered the game or plan on purchasing on launch day

Thanks for listening


Is there enough pre-orders in the Knights of Odan-Urr guild to qualify for phase three also?

I'm in this weekend's beta! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAA pass out

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