Consul Report Two
Woo hoo! Well itâs been two weeks since I stepped into the old CNS Combat Boots of Consul-ness. They are old and familiar, but we put a little polish on them in preparation for stomping our foes into the dirt. Operation: Sadow Dominance is fully underway. Still working on learning HTML. If any of you Clan mates can help me with inserting the nifty GFX I have into my reports, that would be great! Nor have I updated my wiki yet- instead, I am focusing on the Clan, as it should be. Let me also personally thank Teu for her killer work as Rollmaster. We have, no doubt, the best and most involved one in this entire Club. Thank you Teu!
Transfers and Appointments
Congratulations to Locke on his selection as Proconsul. Locke has hit the ground running and is doing very well. A Big Welcome Back to Tsingtao, Bal Demona, Ylith, and Sildrin! Welcome darkslayer to the Clan. Welcome to the Brotherhood Naarzius, Nysowar, Ruadri, and Ethome. We hope to see you in CNS soon. Our selection of Quaestor for Shar Dakhan will complete this coming week. Thanks again to Mirado for his fine service!
First, let me congratulate several special people on their Equite promotions. Teu is now Equite Three, Araxis is Equite Two, Sanjuro is Equite Two, and Tiberius is Equite One. That is some freakinâ tasty soup. Congrats! We may see at least one more in the very near future, as certain people have been working hard to achieve their goals. Congratulations as well to Waldron on his promotion to PRT. Heâs one to watch. The guy has mad graphics skills.
Want to achieve a goal?
Speaking of achieving your goals, if any of you Sadowans are looking to achieve a goal in particular (promotion, medal, a position, etc) I am here to help guide you to it. Drop me a line, weâll chat, and figure out a way to help you work towards that goal and what you need for it within the guidelines. Consider me your resource. My door is always open, just drop me an email or catch me on IRC.
What we have done in this two weeks, and some of whatâs coming:
Conclave held, GJW X awards given, Wiki pages massively updated and New GJW X Forces added (thanks Roxas!), Many Equite promotions (see above), GJW X possessions bought and tallied (thanks Xanos!), and there are several competitions in the works. Look for a weekly trivia event from Bob that will help earn Legions of the Scholar, and a massive DB-wide wiki event in the works that will be run by Waldron. Thereâs more behind the scenes. Hehe. In fact, Xanos is working on an update of our Clan history as the old wiki-flub knocked it back and some was lost. Xanos is our Clan Historian and we appreciate everything he does immensely. As well, with the help of Roxas and a few others we are overhauling our wiki pages and getting them in order.
CNS Competitions running:
We intend to keep the focus on DB-wide comps, but as normal after a GJW itâs a bit quiet. In Sabotage, you're tasked with stopping a saboteur from blowing up our new space platform, Onyx Two. Scenes at Onyx Two gives you the opportunity to leave your own mark on the Clan's lore. Depict a scene from the new station. The winning submission will be featured on the station's wiki page. 13 Days in Hell â Flash Game, HMR. Thanks Tiberius. Once again, a lot more details are found on the competition page. Click the links for details!
Awards Given:
Gods. Itâs a LOT. You guys are making me proud and keeping me busy tallying this stuff. If I missed somebody, I apologize.
Araxis- CoFâs, Bal Demona-CrS, Bob- CrT, AC, Cyril-DC, Dyrra-DC, Jade-DC, Jeric-AC, Kalei-CrE (2x), Locke-SC, Macron-AC, SoL, CoIâs, Malik-DC, Manji-GC, Methyas- CoFâs, SC, Mirado-AC, Raistlin- CoFâs, AC, Roxas- SC, CrT, LoS, DC, Sanjuro-SC, Teu-CoFâs, LoS, AC, Tiamath- Many Cofâs Pendant of Blood, Tiberius- CrT, CrE, SC, Vexatus-SC, Waldron- CoFâs, CrE x2, CrQ, Xia Long- CoFâs
In short, this last two weeks has kicked some tail. It will only get better from here. We are rearing our ugly head again, and we are returning to Powerhouse Status. May our enemies beware!
For Sadow!
SWL Macron Goura Sadow (Sith)/CON/Naga Sadow
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