Goooooooooooood morning Brotherhood!
Live from the Pacific Ocean, I have found some spots of connectivity to bring you guys the seventh day of Herald Style Hanukkah! Please keep in mind that due to the time difference, the robes and sabers may or may not be accessible as the post goes up. Now, let's get to the sexiness!
As a tribute to the original members of the Triumvirate, Grand Master Muz Ashen has designed three sets of robes for each Order, representing the characteristics and personalities of each Star Chamber member. Today's robe is based off the robes of the Mecrosa Order, worn by the last member of the Triumvirate, Ferran. These robes are Obelisk-only for those authorized to don them.
This lightsaber was inspired quite some time ago when the movie, Tron: Legacy, came out. I had been working on this design in my free time and I am happy with how the final product came out. I am proud to present to the Brotherhood the Rectifier lightsaber for all members who are Dark Jedi Knights or higher.
I can't really say that the Obelisk were today's theme because the Obelisk are not as epic as Tron. Haha! However, today's lightsaber is one of my favorites to create and release for the entirety of the Brotherhood. I hope that many of you enjoy it as much as I did designing it. That said, today was also the last day for the Triumvirate robes however I believe you will be happy to see what we have for you on Christmas Day. I hope you all enjoy today's gifts and look forward to more sexiness on the horizon!
-DA Shikyo Keibatsu Sadow
Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
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Holy. Crap. <3
That is so legit!!!! Obelisks ought to be grateful for this robe!!! It's sooo cool!
For three days I hoped and wished the Obbie robes were something besides armor. I am the opposite of disappointed. Stellar work Muz! Also, that Tron saber is pimp as all hell!
Don't know about the rest of you folks, but I'd say that the Triumvirate-inspired gifts certainly went out with a bang. Excellent work Muz and Shikyo, and I also think the idea for Triumvirate-inspired sexiness was a touch of brilliance.
I gotta admit, I was hoping us Obbies would be getting an Order/Triumvirate-inspired saber like the Sith and Krath did. However, without even reading anything and just looking at the saber, I knew it must have been inspired by Tron - and it's a great piece of work as well, of course!
Well done, I look forward to the rest of the epic sexiness that will be brought to us like only Herald Style Hanukkah can deliver.
Why can't I select the robes?
there was some code needed fixing. you should be able to get at them now.
Thanks Muz. Merry Christmas. :)