Consul Report Four
Welcome to edition Four of Ye Olde Consul Report. Of late, I find myself spending hours compiling statistics from emails. You guys have been very busy!
Other big news is the Alliance of Steel friendly competition with Taldryan. We are awaiting one last detail, and then well release all the events for the first week. The first part of the storyline is out, and look for fictional updates from us later as this operation progresses. The plot, you ask? It appears baradium from our system has been found in explosives used aboard some Taldryan transports near Mustafar. Here at home, we have found explosives with Taldryan technology in the detonators and controls . Read the fictional update for more. We look forward to our Alliance with Taldryan.
Our Clan Fictional Update is almost done. This is a document compiled by the entire Summit, with fictional goals as to where we are heading. Once it gets vetted by our DC advisor, we plan to release it. A little teaser- the Dlarit Corporation will hopefully be opening a new Medical manufacturing arm with the help of our Verpine engineers and technology traded from Taldryan. Med tech not as cool as blasters? Not really! Just think about it
Transfers and appointments:
Mirado is now a Magistrate to the Voice! Consider this: if you check the roster, including DC members, we have a lot of former or current Naga Sadow folks in there. That says something good to me. Edit: Tiamath also became a Magistrate to the Fist.
Promotions: Congrats especially to Jeric for making Equite Three, and Kairus to finally getting Knighted! Also, to all the new folks who are working so hard, and the old folks training them. ?
Jeric to SBL, Kairus- DJK, Atra to PRT, Korwyn PRT , Rathelm to PRT, Redec PRT, Kalia to ACO , Andros to NOV, Spartacus to NOV, Valdrane to NOV
Medals awarded:
Going back to my last report, its a LOT. It took some time to compile this! Even the Master At Arms was joking once about it on IRC. I literally could not count the number of Clusters of Fire awarded. The ToR folks have been gaming their tails off. Its many, like waves on the sea. Just to give you an idea, there were something like 152 emails with the words Medal Request Approved in my inbox. Very well done, Clan-mates. Also a special Shout Out to the Headmaster, Taigikori. He just earned himself the coveted Ruby Scepter, and hes one of our own. Also special congrats to Methyas on his Grand Cross, and Locke on his Diamond Crescent. You are all making me very proud. Keep it up!
The List:
Alexander CrS, Araxis CoFs, Ashura- CrE, CoIs
,Atra CoFs, CrS, LoS, DC, CrE, Bal Demona CrT, Bob- DC x2, CrT x3, CrQ x3, CoIs, CrA, CrS, Jeric CoIs, Joseem CoFs, LoS
Kairus. CrE x4, CrQ, CrT, DC, Kalia CoFs, CrS, Korwyn CrT x2, Locke- CoIs, CrD, SC, Macron- CrE, LoS, CoIs, Malisane CoIs, Methyas CoIs, CrR, GC, Omarudyne CoFs, Redec CrA, Roxas CoIs, CoFs, CrA, CrR, CrE, DC, Scorn CoFs, CrT, Spartacus CoFs, Teu CoFs, Tiamath CrS, LoS, Tiberius CoIs, Tiberius CrQ,Tsingtao CoFs, CrE, CoIs, AC, Valdrane CoFs, Waldron CoFs, CrE, CrS, DC, Xanos CoIs, Xia Long CoIs
What have we done:
Clan fictional Update almost done, Alliance of Steel competition underway, Clan internal Reports compiled and submitted, competitions continue in general, ran the first ToR screenshot comp in the DB, Waldron finished Ultimate Enemy with the help of the T:W and the Voice, Teu has finalized the Schools of Learning document to be out into play shortly, and many medals and promotions. Tiamath is also running a DB-wide gaming comp. Id like to emphasize, if you have an interest in running a DB-wide competition drop and email to Locke and I and well gladly help guide you if we can!
Master Student Program:
If you are interested, drop Teu, our Rollmaster, an email. Yours truly is ready to take another student as well. 5 have been Knighted so far. ?
Running Competitions:
Doom Train 3 (CNS)
Worldwreckers 2 (CNS)
Companion: (CNS)
Ancestor Lore (Entire DB)
Against the Odds Round 2 (entire DB)
Find my Lyrics (entire DB)
From the Voice
Choices (entire DB)
Three Man runon (entire DB) We have several teams signed up for this! Im hoping to earn my first Diamond Crescent here.
And from the Fist:
Create a Place in the DB
Coming Up:
Alliance of Steel ToR Grind + other comps
Lost In Space (Tiamath is running this) (entire DB)
Against the Odds Round 2
In short- life is good! You guys kick some {censored}!!! Operation Sadow Dominance continues to gain momentum! Go compete everywhere! Muah ha ha!
For Sadow, Consul Macron Goura Sadow
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