Greetings everyone,
I had meant to send this out earlier, but then everyone decided to start posting news and reports all at once :P Now that it seems to have died down for a day, I thought I would update everyone on a couple of competitions currently running out of my office.
Revan No More: This competition is new, and runs until the very end of this month. It revolves around the closing of House Revan. Your job is to fictionally describe what you believe the reason for House Revan to have suddenly "disappeared".
Ancestor Lore: This competition ends on February 18th. Utilizing The Old Republic's timeline you are to write about an "ancestor" that from that timeline and an adventure that they may have had. You do not have to be playing the game itself to participate as information on that timeline can be easily found on the SW wikipedia.
I would also like to remind everyone of the ACC Ladder!. If you're logged in just click on that link and then subscribe to the Ladder. For anyone who likes the ACC, this is the best way to truly test yourself and see how you stack up. Some of the very best battles in the history of the ACC have taken places in these ladders, and they are truly all about skill in this platform. Right now I see 21 sign-ups, so let's get this to 32!
Last, I will be on vacation from Feb. 10 - 16 with little to no access to the internet. So if you're e-mailing me at this time, don't expect a quick response.
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I could spin an elaborate yarn depicting the demise of House Revan, but instead I'll summarize the story here: The OFH done killed them all. The end.
I'm sending you emotional Paramore songs so that you may have safe travels.
(Everyone spam email Halc on those dates)
My submission will be EPIC. It will be so grand, it will crack the ground it stands on, akin to Arania.
Halc. Have a nice holiday :D