[VOICE] Competitions


[VOICE] Competitions

Hey all,

Just some news on competitions. Before I release the new ones, just want to make a few notes. First off, as I said below, all VOICE competition submissions must now be sent to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. Members who sent submissions to me and Vodo but not this address will be warned once. This does not affect Choices, which is currently running. The second time, the entry will be discarded. Second, we will be phasing out the idea of "monthly topics".

Instead, we will now be releasing competitions every 20 days. While they will still run for a full month, there will now be some overlap. This is to allow for a bit of a buffer time, and to allow those members that get a writing kick a couple days before the end of the first competitions to keep going. Like tanks.

Now, to release us some competitions. First, please excuse the lack of formatting. I'm on my phone.

Betrayal and Deceit

In your character's past, there has been many times were they have been betrayed; by the people they care about, support, and by those closest to them. This is a natural part of everyone's life. But there was one betrayal that stuck with them forever - a betrayal so horrible that it affected your character's personality. This is your story.

Write about your character's biggest betrayal in their past. This fiction should be no shorter than 900 words; any entries shorter than this shall be discarded. Entries will be based on creativity, realism, and the writing of the author.

Light Side Members: Write about a time where someone aided your character momentously.

Seven Levels of Hell

Dark Jedi Members: Your character awakens in large room (roughly 50x50x50 feet) feeling dizzy. You have no idea where you are - and there are no obvious exits, though you search anyway. As the dizziness starts to wear off, you begin seeing things - welcome, to your character's seven levels of hell. You're stuck in a virtual simulation, the computer tapping into your central nervous system and forcing you to face you seven worst fears. Write about these seven fears and how you defeat them in a fiction. After you have defeated them, you are released from the simulation program. This fiction must be at least two pages in length to count.

Light Jedi Members: Your characters go through a similar experience, but it is not forced upon you like your Dark Jedi counterparts. You choose to take the test offered by the Jedi Council of Odan-Urr - to overcome your demons and extinguish your fear - as fear is a path to the Dark Side.

Remember: Your character is facing their worst fears; they should act as such. It should be the most difficult thing your character has endured thus far. All fictions will be graded on realism, quality of the writing, and writing skill (grammar, spelling).

Both of these competitions will have 2nd level crescents awarded to the top 3. Both run until March 8th. And so far... both have received pretty good reception.

For examples, a Taldryan member caught these early this morning before I managed to write this. Or even wake up. Bubbles Taldrya stated that she loved the idea of the hardcore character development competitions recently, and that they had been exactly what she was missing in her fiction experience here. I hope the rest of you like them as much as she.

Good luck everyone! Can't wait to read your submissions.

P.S For you Android Smartphone uaers who have not downloaded the Chrome Beta web browser: get it. Its great. It made writing this way easier than the stock browser.

His Honor,

Sith Battlemaster Anubis Annedu

Praetor to the Voice of the Brotherhood

Hehe, I made the news page :)

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