The deadline for sign-ups for Ambitions is the 5th of March! Please send Anubis and I your line ups. All teams (except Old Folks Home if they can get their act together) must be order pure and have a total of five participants.
Again, the RO is free prompt meaning you can write about literally any topic and subject you and your team want. It will run from the 10th of March until the 10th of April. Anubis will be grading this event freeing me to participate on Muz's Krath team (go Purple!).
He will be judging based on DB realism and continuity with DB Canon, grammar, and RO professionalism which means no signitures, no editing posts once someone else has posted afterward, and that all contributing posts must be at least 250 words to count towards a Cluster of Ice.
This RO has 1st level crescents up for grabs and that's big news folks. We will also be awarding CI for every post (minus the first) over 250 words. Git 'er dun!
ALSO! If you are having trouble locating a group for the RO, you should head to your Order's sub-forum on the Message Boards and make a LFG thread
~His Excellency, the Voice of the Brotherhood
Vodo Biask Taldrya
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Just as a heads up to everyone,
As there is no VOICE moderated storyline for the 'Ambitions' RO, I will be opening up your team's thread with a simple OOC post with the rules, and grading specs of the competition on March 9th (the Friday), as I'll actually be leaving town at 5am on Saturday for the weekend. I'll make another news post on the 9th about the opening of your RO's, so keep an eye out.
Additionally, I'll be emailing the teams that signed up, on the 6th to confirm you're ready. You folks have until the night of the 5th (as it's 12:30am onr the 1st, almost five full days) to get your finalized signups in! If for some reason someone drops out of your team and you fill the spot, I need to know. Reply in your signup email with the change and current list so I'm fully aware of who was changed out, and what the current team is.
Thanks everyone.
I'm close to wrangling enough OFHers.... Be prepared!
Hehe, just you wait to see who the Krath are pulling out of the Rogues, I'm looking forward to this! does a little dance