Dark Voice Staff


Dark Voice Staff

Ok, this is for all those people who applied for positions on the DV staff with Kaine Mandaala. If you're still interested in being part of the DV, please contact both me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and my Praetor Arion Sunrider ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) to apply for a position. Positions available include:

  • Head Fiction Co-ordinator/Editor (1 - filled)

  • Head Graphics Co-ordinator/Editor (1)

  • Head Articles Co-ordinator/Editor (1)

  • Writer (unlimited)

  • Head Level Co-ordinator/Reviewer (1)

  • Head Mission Co-ordinator/Reviewer (1)

More positions may be added on demand if necessary. All DV Staff must be committed to making the DV work. If you're not prepared to do something every month, don't apply. Applications ASAP please - I'd like this infrastructure in place by Issue 26.

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