Applications Open For Professor of Flight Studies


Applications Open For Professor of Flight Studies

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the position of Professor of Flight Studies is now vacant. Meaning I am now accepting applications. Usual drill: you've got until April 15th to submit your applications, provided you meet the following requirements:

-DJK or higher

-ability to grade exams within a 72-hour-turnaround period; failure to do so without prior notice or reason will result in two warnings and then removal

-completion of all Flight Studies exams with a score of 85% or higher

Whether or not you'd like to tell me what you like about the Academy or what you'd like to improve regarding your department is up to you. I do like to see effort in an application. E-mail all applications to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Happy applying!

-Ronovi Tavisaen Dupar

Headmaster of the Shadow Academy

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