Greetings all,
Just a quick report this time, though the next one will have some competition winners in it, plus a few other goodies. Speaking of goodies, anyone want to make me some nice header graphics? I can't draw worth crap- on or off the computer.
I would like to publicly welcome and introduce Erius Talon to Tarentum. Erius has already been promoted to Novice and has been in email contact with me directly. I believe he will be a fine addition to our house!
Awards and Promos
As noted above, Erius was promoted to Novice.
Dranik has received 46 Clusters of Fire (by the way, he plays TOR on the Republic side)
Due to my forgetting that the Memorial Day holiday fell during the competitions, I'm going to give a couple extra days (through Wednesday) to get submissions in for the following two events:
The First Kill: write a short story about the first time your character took the life of another. Minimum 1 page, 12 point font, with no maximum. Send your submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses] I have received two entries thus far, but I have heard from a couple people who are working on it.
Seam Splitting Screens: this one is mainly for you gamers out there, though anyone may participate. Capture a screen shot that is funny and send it to the addresses listed above. You may caption the image as well, but do not edit the image itself.
**In the DB News **
Muz has a survey that he would like you to take. This will give him some feedback on leading the Dark Brotherhood and where it might go, what we should do as an organization, etc.
Also, Orv has stepped down as Seneschal. I have to say, the Seneschal is probably the hardest job in the Brotherhood- trying to provide new features while dealing with a very complex website. I can only imagine that there's bits of code left over from the 1990's, tucked away in a dark corner that only code monkeys get to see. I shudder at that thought. Orv was promoted to Dark Adept for all of his work.
James has stepped up to fill the role of Seneschal. I've known James (or JaM3z as he used to go by) for a long time- back when I went just by Kahn and was in Arcona. He's a good guy and talented at what he does; I'm sure he'll do an outstanding job.
**Conclusion **
So, in conclusion, you've got some extra time on the competitions, there's been a move on the top, and Muz would like you take the survey to help him in his position (and yes, I've already done mine).
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