The Edict Of Va'lence (Special Edition HOU Quaestor Report)


The Edict Of Va'lence (Special Edition HOU Quaestor Report)

The Edict Of Va'lence- 36 ABY

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away..

An uneasy peace coats New Tython for the time being.

Rumors have spread of several families and individuals

sneaking away into the night heading toward "Blackslope Glen",

the growing New Dawn settlement near the base of the Central Mountains.

Conversely, a vein of Mon Calamari have migrated into the city in recent

months; many of these new citizens taking occupation of homes left vacant.

The city council of Menat Ombo has itself reformed once again,

emerging this time as the Menat Presidium, and elected longstanding councilman

Adrianus Vibilium as Prime Minister. Chief Whenua, the Harakoan Chieftain

has in the process removed himself from the Council in order to oversee the

scattered tribes not under provision within the Jedi's Tribal Protectorate .

In reaction to the sudden riots of padawans and masters of Odan-Urr caused

by the *Horizons Virus, * all Jedi were held within the Jedi Districts under guard

by K.U.D.F. security personnel as part of a self-imposed quarantine by Master

Drodik Va'lence, High Councilor over the Order of Urrian Knights. Using this

opportunity, he established the Arca Conclave of the Order was instituted

to refocus and drive the Jedi to provide for the ever fleeting peace of New Tython.

Meanwhile a supernova, light-years away imposes its constant presence in the

skies over New Tython, throwing much of the Harakoan citizens into disarray,

specifically the Gioki of whom are Harakoas most ancient people.

Our story begins once more.....

Space; over New Tyhthon

A fleet of vessels careened over an expansive contortion of metal and laborers which hung over the atmosphere of the lush planet of the Harakanoids. In constant orbit over the celestial sphere, the complex construction site maintained its presence. Massive beams and compartments stood exposed to the violent vacuum of space whilst construction workers maneuvered precariously in the zero-gravity environment, toiling away as construction of the Sanctuary Space station approached 60% completion.

From the bridge of the hollow space station Jedi Auronn Maysonn looked down to the outside work yard. Behind him approached an obscure figure in attendance with two Tythonian security personnel.

"Progress has been slow, till now." Auron said to the figure as he looked out to the orbiting Tarenti vessels.

<b>Inside Ooroo Abbey, </b>Menat Ombo, New Tython; Late **Evening**

A cool breeze licked the placid calm of the city while overhead shone down in full splendor the luminosity of the celestial body Iah, one of Harakoas two lunar satellites. The obsidian backdrop of the evening cooled the temperament of the populace whose convictions had once again gravitated toward anti-Jedi sentiments.

The members of the Presidium looked down from their positions on the panel at the heart of the assembly chamber of Ooroo Abbey. Darkness encircled the architectural cavity and the buzz of the stillness of air radiated throughout providing an ominous tone to the nights secret meeting between the Jedi Council and the Menat Presidium, the governmental body of Menat Ombo.

"The people have labeled this a Rebellion, Masters Jedi. One day you seek to protect this city, failing in your efforts and still here you are. In doing so, many see you as having caused more destruction inadvertently than settling." The words of Adrianus sunk deep into the Jedi Councilors' ears.

The Tythonian legislator continued,

"Masters Va'lence and Mithfaron, I want you to remember there was a Golden Age of Odan-Urr in the time of Master Ji. A time when your Order facilitated the peace of the people. With his death initiated from this very room, present events bring nothing but sorrow and conflict to our cities avenues."

Several soldiers from K.U.D.F. appeared behind the Jedi.

"Masters, this panel understands the virulence behind the force contagion from our Dark overseers. But to convince the people of that and of your own legitimate place in our society is an entirely different battle. In the morning, the citizenry will realize this too and decide whether or not you are fit to live within the Menat Ombo District, or whether the Halls and Praxeums you've erected are as strong as the will of the people."

Adrianus motioned towards his fellow Ministers, Kiri, Matiu, Jantine and Gideon as they rose to stand alongside him.

"Restore confidence in your Order Masters, or face exile." Said Vibilium

With that the Presidium vacated the chamber under escort from the K.U.D.F. soldiers. After the chamber had emptied did the Knights lower their guard.

"We have work to do Master Morotheri. They are right, we have failed to curb secession, left a series of mercenary threats open, and have fallen victim to a force-plague."said Drodik.

The two exited the Abbey stepping out onto the palisade in the evening sky. Overhead amongst the stars a violent splat of ignited stardust loomed many light-years away. A moment passed as the two Jedi studied the phenomena that captured the entire planets attention for weeks on end.

"What word from Deo?" asked Morotheri.

"The Turicos have summoned us...." said Va'lence as he pointed to the darkest corner of the midnight horizon.

A small amphitheatre outside Arca Praxeum

Silence befell the crowd of Odanites as they awaited the High Councilors arrival in a small stone amphitheatre, hewn into the rock face of the grounds. Several such spaces had been constructed to facilitate teaching lessons. A small fire nestled in a shallow pit whipped with the cold air current as it provided warmth and mellow ambience balanced with the luminosity which showered from Iah. The breeze continued to push through the space swaying the branches to a tall strange tree at the center of the small amphitheatre.

At last Drodik emerged with Morotheri by his side and the young Elleron at his. The mass of Jedi stood at their arrival. The crowd and the Councilors exchanged bows and silence once again overtook as the Aedile and Rollmasters took their seats as well. The Nagai Councilor strolled in front of the Odanites exchanging quick glances with them each. He disrobed himself revealing a long archaic staff of weathered wood. Taking the staff he handed it to the Kaira who was seated most immediately in front of him. She took the staff and analyzed its detail before passing it to Raiju who was seated next to her and he in turn passed the staff to Alexander DelGotto as Drodik began.

The Jedi spoke,

_"Years ago, a tree sprouted in the barren wastes on Nythaspir. It had only branches, and a single leaf. The tree was lonesome for a thousand years; drinking water of the soil in its loneliness. As time crawled on the tree became engorged with water, for the loneliness would not dissipate no matter how much the tree drew from the ground. _

_Sad at the trees temperament and its own loneliness, the single leaf beckoned the tree to use its water and create more leaves for he too was lonesome. The leaf promised that with more leaves on its barren branches it would never feel loneliness again. The tree reluctantly agreed. He then focused all his energies into creating more leaves, and lo in one passing season the branches of the tree were populated with millions of leaves, all singing in the breeze. _

_The tree rejoiced and lived in splendor with his new friends until winter had shaken them all dead from his branches. Lonesome once again, the tree slept and slept and slept. When he finally awoke years later the barren waste was barren no longer. In his sleep he had dreamed of his dead leaf friend, meanwhile sprouting countless generations of leaves while he dreamed the years away. _

In the years that passed in his dormancy a forest had spread with himself at the center of it. The other trees rejoiced and thanked their ancestor naming him Lord of The Yele-Yele, for that is revered as the tree of creation."

Drodik retreated to the trunk of the tree behind him placing a hand on the bark.

"This Yele-Yele once spread its roots in the countryside of Va'lence, my home on Nythaspir. I'd heard this tale a thousand times as a child, but only now do I understand it. New Tython, is not our home my friends, it never will be. Our Order must be flexible and mobile, for we are at service to the people, and the people alone. The services we commit towards the protection of the people must outlast our own existence. To provide for the people, and meet the challenges they face we must be strong as a unit, we must be honed in our minds and in our works."

"I set forth alongside Master Morotheri an initiative in the form of an Edict, a mandate to which I declare for the future of the Order the institution of Professions. You all, no matter your rank or belief have within you a talent entirely untapped as a collective body. In the old system until today, your strengths went unnoticed unless challenged directly from superiors. Your ingenuity and individual potential as Jedi has gone unrecognized on account of your station. The Council of Urr; under my administration and in the spirit of establishing tradition I encourage to my future successors, will exist to facilitate the growth and advancement of the Order."

As he finished the last member had finished examining the Yele-Yele staff. Drodik took up the staff and held it horizontally at his chest.

"Let this staff be a symbol for the future of our Order, my friends; like its sagacious fibers, we too must unite our wisdom to stand firm. I challenge you to persevere with me and begin a new chapter for our secluded branch."

The pale Nagai with drew a lightsaber hilt from his side, bent down and penetrated its cyan blade into the soil. Taking the staff he placed it firmly into the soil at the base of the tree where it picturesquely stood straight up between the two diverging branches at the trunk. The High Councilor let the cloak befall his medium frame to which he bowed to the Odanites and finally to the staff itself before retreating from the venue.


Quaestor Address


Fellow Jedi,

The parable in the fiction above is an applicable commentary for the progress of our unit as a whole. Odan-Urr, being the concept that it is, is inherently different than the other units in the organization. We are pretty much the ugly step-children of the club (and if you happen to be an ugly step-child, I mean no offense, we all love you) But Odan-Urr really is different, we are the only unit that is not directly aligned to the dark side; we alone act as a counter-balance to the general alignment of the other Clouses.

With this new system I hope to engage you as actively engaged participants in the narrative of Odan-Urr and to a further extent the Brotherhood narrative overall. I ask of you to consider joining the Jedi Vocational Corp and become actively involved as a defining entity within the overall identity of the house rather than a passive participant.

The Edict Of Va'lence is inherently a Quaestor report, but what sets it aside is this is also a State Of The House report (as well as me going on a soapbox.), but also it is my intention to declare a path of progress for our unit. Keep in mind that I'm intentionally rocking the boat to stir up some dialogue; we really need to start talking again guys.

I would feel entirely irresponsible as a Quaestor if I allowed this house to continue on as it does now. Currently there is minimal dialogue between the general membership and summit members on all matters of the house, serious and non-serious. The fault for that falls for a large part on my shoulders and for that I apologize for not having been as active a leader as I should have been, but I can finally show a large chunk of what I had planned for us as a unit. But conversely, activity levels for us as a unit have barely kept us treading water for a long time. Low participation levels outside of major DB-wide events (and within) are starting to become a regular trend. The Pillars of Menat event and the Bastions of Knowledge chapter yielded decent participation levels but overall haven't carried over through Pre-Horizons and now.

And now, the main dish. I present to you in a very anti-climatic but wholly important link, the debut of:

The Jedi Vocational Corp


On a purely voluntary basis I want to hear from all members. I ask that you share your thoughts, opinions, ideas, praises/criticism and suggestions on the house with Morotheri and I. From the standpoint of Light sided Summit members, it makes sense to me that we not keep general membership in the dark, no pun intended. This house is just as much your house as it is the Summits, you guys outnumber us, so in fact its more so yours than anyone else's. I didn't prepare a long complicated survey with 1-5 scales and stuff so you don't have to do one of those. Just send in whatever you feel you want to and that will suffice. Also please note if you would like us to respond to your submission. I'm trying to stir up some more dialogue, get it? ;).

So yes, feel free to speak up to ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Horizons Participation:

Participant turnout for this event was pretty low. Nothing very exemplary to speak of in terms of the number of participants exists but I do want to congratulate and thank the Jedi who did participate, your efforts are appreciated. Here is a list of Horizons participants:

1- Solari

2- Tyno

3- JScumm

4- Raiju

5- Jendan

6- Kaira

7- Alexander

8- Morotheri

Thank you for being active during Horizons, you guys are awesome!

Seals are still in the works so I'd rather not release numbers tied to those names above, but I'll or Morotheri will report on the number of seals that come to our inbox in the next report. If you'd like to know personally what you did then I have some numbers which should be concrete so I'll be glad to let you know privately.

*Wiki Team: *

We're always in the need for a wiki team; just let us know if you're interested.


A feud is in the planning stages right now with House Tarentum. Expect some more details in coming days. Believe me, its coming.

Some Recognition:

Congratulations to Prelate Raiju on earning a Steel Cross. Raiju's commitment to activity and the house has warranted the award. You may read his reccs here.

Lastly, I want to thank Master Morotheri for his incredible work over the last few months. He has performed admirably and I could think of no other ways to thank him for his efforts than a Grand Cross. In addition to this remarkable achievement I see it fit to charge him with Odan-Urrs most honorable award, the task of overseeing relations with a new inclusion to the Tribal Protectorate. Morother, thank you and good luck as you continue to serve Harakoan/New Tython and your fellow Jedi. You may read his recc here.

Some Afterword:

The JVC will be undergoing changes for a few months but the overall concept is there. As of today between Morotheri and I, we have a fair number of quest-prompts available, but bare with us as nothing is perfect in the beginning. We hope you guys enjoy this and if it catches on, that's great. If not then maybe another Quaestor might pick it up and dust it off in the future.

If anyone wants more information on the Tribal Protectorate you may read more:

Thank you for baring through this report everybody!

May the Force Be With You (Sam Jackson Style)

  • Dro

Good report, Dro. I like the idea of a new beginning together. :)

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