E-mails to Hotmail/Live addresses


E-mails to Hotmail/Live addresses

Hey everyone,

Once again, Hotmail/Live mail/Outlook.com (or whatever they're calling themselves nowadays) seem to be blocking mails sent by the website still/again. This means, that if you use one of these services, you probably have not received your personalized AWOL e-mail containing the personalized token you need to mark yourself as active.

If you have not yet received an AWOL mail, yet are a member of a house or clan, please send me an e-mail and I'll forward the mail to you. Also, you might want to do yourself a favor and switch to another e-mail provider such as gmail ;)

PS. Summits can check the AWOL status of their unit and members through their admin panel or dbbot's !awol command on IRC.

People still use Hotmail? :P

Someone needs to run a search of all cloused members that have the affected e-mails and send them a personal reminder. Not cool to AWOL someone when we know they didn't get the mail and may not see this news post.


Yeah Jac we know. :)

Korras has the clouse summit members manually sending reminder mails to everyone who hasn't yet responded, thereby also verifying if they got the e-mail or not.

Still, this affects any mail sent from the site, so I strongly suggest people switching e-mails if they are affected by this...

Aka, not cool to use Hotmail.

Thanks jammerz

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