Taldryan Quaestor Report


Taldryan Quaestor Report

<div align="left"> Hey Gang, happy belated new year all. This is a more than important report for all of you, so read this one thoroughly. =)

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<div align="left"> The new year has come and with it Muz has released some infos on the upcoming Brotherhood campaign starting in February, a campaign to retake the worlds from the ancient Sith Empire. To tell you the most important things first, this will be a real counting Vendetta with all the rewards know for this kind of time, i.e. Novae and Seals as well as Field Promotions(!) Sid and I will keep you up to date with everything as soon as we know it.

With the New Year it is also the time for a Brotherhood wide AWOL-check, so if you have received a mail from Korras with your personal token link then respond to it by just clicking on that link. If you are still one of those who received an empty e-mail then send a message to the MAA ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) with your DB-name and Pin and a short statement that you are active and want to remain in Taldryan (Hell why would you be in any other place)

Otherwise stating James newspost, if you are using a Hotmail, Live mail or Outlook or any other largely unknown account that may block automated e-mails do as said above and e-mail Korras directly with your DB-name, Pin and a short statement that you are active and want to stay in Tal. In both cases it is important that you CC the Summit at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] as well. However if you don't respond to the AWOL-check you will be marked as inactive and transferred to the rogues.

Next I want to thank all who have participated in the 2012 Taldryan Holiday Bash no matter if you actually participated in the events or helped to ensure that everything ran smoothly. It was my first event of this kind as leader of Taldryan and without any of you it would have never been like this. With this being said I would like to announce that the overall win was taken by GRD Mirus Cavataio. Mirus has been the hell of an asset ever since he joined Taldryan not only that he participated in a total of 5 Events, no, he also stepped in as Judge for another event. To give you a complete review I have listed every participant and the amount of events he/she entered below:

  • GRD Mirus Cavataio (Obelisk) = 5 Events

  • DJK Talon Drear (Obelisk) = 3 Events

  • OT Rian Aslar (Obelisk) = 3 Events

  • PRT Miranda Goto (Sith) = 2 Events

  • DP Halcyon Rokir Taldrya (Sith) = 2 Events

  • OE Shaz'air Taldrya (Obelisk) = 1 Event

  • DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor (Sith) = 1 Event

Again thank you all, your respective awards have been sent to the database and should reach your dossiers soon.

Lastly a new Battleteam has come to life recently after almost a year since the Phoenix Phyle has been closed the Wardens of Unity have found its way to Taldryan. The Wardens will from now on serve in the function as Taldryans Journeymen Battleteam that actively sports regular fiction events for its members. So if you are interested in joining you should e-mail Sid and myself as well as the freshly appointed BTL of the Wardens GRD Mirus Cavataio.

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<div align="left"> In the last month there have been the following medals awarded for members of Taldryan:

  • Dark Crosses have been awarded to: Mirus, Tarax, Sithspawn Taldrya, Shadow, Ziggy, Howie, Yacks, Mav, Kir, Halc and Jac.

  • Crescents have been awarded to: Mirus (Emerald Star (2x), Quartz Star (2x) and Topaz Star), Shadow (Ruby Star), Retden (Emerald Star), Halc (Emerald Star) and Kazmir (Quartz Star)

  • Cluster of Fire have been awarded to: Mirus (52x), Enapace (38x) and Ben (12x)

  • A Pendant of Fire has been awarded to Mirus

  • Lastly Legions of the Scholar have been awarded to Howie, Shad and Tarax

Congrats guys and keep pwning like this!!!

Not to be outdone, Malfrost Xeon has been promoted to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. The promotion to this rank is something special as it opens a completely new world regards the DB and it takes one some big things to get it, for anyone interested I would suggest to read his promotion recommendation that can be found here

Also I would like to give a warm welcome to APP DarkHellWolf who has been transferred to Taldryan recently.

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<div align="left"> As for the month of January the Grandmaster has given a fly-by for Clouse-scale Competitions, however the Dark Council will still run competitions for the entire Brotherhood so far we have a Run-On (starting on January the 8th), a Graphics competition (starting on January the 4th) and a Shadow Academy event (already started). The details of the competitions can be accessed here after you logged in: Stuff that matters to me

In case you wish to participate in the Run-On, sign ups need to be done until the 7th and there is already a e-mail chain going on via [Log in to view e-mail addresses] so reply to this and we can see if we can get you into a group, or you sign up individually and the Voice will place you in a mixed group from all over the Brotherhood.

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<div align="left"> Thats it for today, remember to respond to the AWOL-check, as this is the most important thing to do. Otherwise there are some interesting times coming for you soon so you better prep yourself for it and whenever you get the chance you should visit our House channel (#Taldryan) on mIRC, it is the best and fastest way to get in touch with other members and start funny conversations. Until next time,

<div align="left"><dl> <dt>OT RianAslar </dt> <dt>Quaestor of House Taldryan</dt> <dt>Dossier #10701</dt> </dl>

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Great informative report, Rian! Also, congrats Malfrost on your promotion! Yeaaaa boy!

Grats on DJK, Mal!

No Krath entries on a (mostly) fiction event?

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