<title>Arcona Consul Report</title>
<small>Light is limited; Darkness is infinite</small>
<small>(Wally doesn't know this, but if you click on the report header, you'll be taken to another of his videos he used to rally the troops in Great Jedi War X. I'd suggest taking a look with _The Dark Crusade looming!)_</small>
Welcome to another instalment of the Consul-Proconsul double report. I can only apologise for it's delay; a lot has been happening over the past few weeks (much of it you know already), so we've been a bit strapped for time. Nevertheless, here we are, and we have a lot to say, so please bear with us.
Firstly, I'd like to address the clan and the Brotherhood as per recent events and interpretations. Indeed, it has come to my attention that there has been a shift in perception of Arcona and the Arconan summit as of late. We have not necessarily seen ourselves sitting in a pleasant light, nor have been done much to try and rectify our position, standing, or perception. Some instances have demonstrated a slow moving towards aggressiveness and obnioxiousness. This stops here. We aren't the Arcona of three years ago, and we didn't work this hard to drive ourselves into the ground. And, I'm willing to say, the blame itself fundamentally rests with me. I messed up; of that, I have no doubt. I have not been a supportive Consul, and I have been so wrapped up in trying to ensure you guys have a good time that I'm actually causing the opposite to happen. This is absolutely not what I want. A number of people feel that the summit, that I have detatched from the membership, and I can now see this being the case. As you all saw with my email address I sent out the other night (<small>If you have not seen the address, please follow this link to read</small>), I am devoted to making amends, and to ensuring that you guys see a more positive, more supportive, more engaging Consul over the next coming months. I want to bring Arcona continued success. I want to deliver Arcona to greatness once again. I can only hope we can do such a thing in the upcoming vendetta The Dark Crusade and truly show why it is that we are, and have been for the last two years, the first clan of the Brotherhood.
Still, to do this, I need your help. This filters into my second point: we, as Arconans, have a responsibility to the Brotherhood. We have done it, we have climbed to the top. And to be spiteful, sore winners sitting atop our pedestal is absolutely not the right attitude to take. Every minute we spend gloating and basking in glory, undermining and deameaning the valiant efforts of other houses, units, or individuals, will undermine months of hard work to ensure that we support and aid the Brotherhood as a whole back to a consistent level of activity and participation. This has, in part, already begun to happen - the recent AWOL checks and numbers are a testatement to that - Plagueis, Taldryan, and Naga Sadow have established themselves as back on the rise. Rather than insulting and berating them for their success, we need to congratulate them, we need to support them, and, most of all, we need to work with them. I will admit, I haven't been a great role model; over the past few months, I've turned into a bit of a dick... Scrap that, a giant dick. For that, I can only apologise. I saw a reversion back to the insular, narrow-minded, Arcona which thought the Brotherhood was out to get it. This is riduculous. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the only thing that was going to lead to our downfall was not the Brotherhood's selective favouritism of particular units, but my own - and subsequently, our own - focus on insularity. I made a pledge in my Consul application that I would not let an insular Arcona happen again. I intend to stick by that, and I will do everything in my power to do so, but I can't do it alone. Just remember, all of you act as representatives of the clan, all of you are the embodiment of the clan. Let's make sure Arcona receives only compliments and friendships, not negativity and labels of insularity. I love Arcona, and I know each and every one of you do, too. I want to do the clan justice, I want to do the clan proud. I hope all of you feel the same way.
Added to that, I want to remind everyone that the summit is there to serve Arcona and the Arconans. We accepted responsibility not for personal progression or glory, but so we could help see the ideal of Arcona and its success become a reality. We stepped int this position to ensure that each and every member receives the attention and help they deserve. I know sometimes it's hard to see, but every member of the Arconan summit is still just another Arconan. We have just sacrified ourselves as, in Raken's words, 'consumers' in order to become 'producers' for the clan, and ensure that the 'consumers' receive the help, the support, and the material to be effective in their endeavours, and, importantly, so they have fun. I will never forget that the membership comes first above any and all; every member of the Arconan summit is disposable, including myself, if they do not act as servants to the clan. Never forget that.
Two years ago I wrote something intend to ensure this particular standpoint. I spent a couple of months plugging it, but it died out. Still, I think it is pertinent even today. The Mandate of Values (<small>click the title to see the document</small>), although slightly retarded given my uneducated tongue (<small>phrasing</small>), is a simple set of guidelines and values to which all Arconans should subscribe. It also contains similar values for the servants of Arcona (the summit), and what should be expected of them. This is something I will endeavour to refer back to in the coming months, and I hope you guys feel that this document at least outlines what should be expected of both you, and your leaders.
I just wanted to say a few words to everyone. I'm no where near as eloquent as Sam when it comes to things like this, so I'll try and keep it short and simple.
I have had my eyes closed for a long time now. I have been so focused on Arcona, so focused on giving everything I have to you guys, that I have lost sight of what it is I'm supposed to be doing here. My attitude in both IRC and in chat has been vastly different in my own perception than in what I'm being told from my friends and peers who watch and see everything that I do. The hardest person to judge and evaluate sometimes, is oneself. I have fallen victim to this, and sadly, it has taken me this long to open my eyes.
In Philosophy, they speak of the Allegory of the Cave. In it we are told that we should never forget to return to the cave - a reminder that we should never forget where we came from. I was brought up in a very very different Arcona than most of you here today. My first lesson in the DB was during the RoS: Spoils of War, in which my mentor taught me (when dealing with the judging in the ACC) "the judge is your enemy." It was practically brain washed into me. So too was the feeling that it was always us vs them. In truth, it had to be that way. Before the re-clanning, before making our move towards cementing our name as First Clan of the Brotherhood, there was a lot of bad blood still in the DB. Arcona had always, in history, been at the bottom of the barrel. It was because of this I was taught to hate anything and anyone not Arcona.
Time have changed, though. In the past 3 years we've seen a growth as not just a unit, but a Brotherhood. If you had asked me one year ago, would I be sitting in #taldryan making jokes with Howie and Tarax? I'd laugh in your face. I've actually come to realize (while still jerks), they are actually not terrible guys when you look past everything. That's the nature of this club. We're all a group of friends with the same common interest. Each of us cares, each of us has pride, and each of us wants to stay loyal to our friends. It's why we keep coming back to this club, time and time again. It's about the people that make it up. Getting to G+ with everyone is creating a new light - friendships are being formed and bonded that transcend the whole concept of "magical internet friends." It's truly amazing. I've met people on here who have changed my life, and have become friends I will have for the rest of it.
In truth, though, I had forgotten where we came from, and let my pride in Arcona paint myself and my family in a negative light. For this I apologize I have still let each of you down. In my desire to protect Arcona, and it's image, I have been too overprotective. I have jumped down the throats of members outside Arcona, and as a result done the exact thing I was trying not to do - become the exact person I vowed never to become. For this I am sorry.
I'm not going to cry in a corner, though. I'm not going to lay down, curl up in a fetal ball, or throw my hands up in the air. I'm not going to rage. Instead, I make a promise to each of you. A promise to get better. To always get better. To strive for the best. I exist, my very point of being here, as your Proconsul, as a member of the Arconae, is to serve you. If you see me saying something I shouldn't be saying, pull me aside, poke me, tell me. I am far from perfect, and stand by the fact that if you need something, you should never be afraid to approach me. I am here for you guys.
We have a Vendetta coming up. I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to kick some butt. Let's remind everyone WHY Arcona is the First Clan of The Brotherhood.
Arcona Invicta!!!
With the heart-felt sentiment out of the way, what say we go into the actual report?
News pertaining to Arcona:
For those of you that were unaware, Graus Colvin, one of our esteemed artists, active members and all-round great guys, was taken ill in December. Since then, he has been recovering slowly but surely. Heseems to be getting better everyday. He is attentive and able to speak short sentences now. If you want to follow his progress, follow the link here: Dan's Caring Bridge Journal. If you feel like it, leave him a message on the guest list; his family read it to him every day, so he'll know you've been in touch!
Below you will see a small get well collage compiled by Marick and written by members of the Arconan summit. We're trying to get as many of these as possible to wish Dan a speedy recovery. If you want to submit yours, send it to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. Thank you.
Sadly, with the departure of Scelestus, we find ourselves with a big hole to fill in House Qel-Droma. Scel has been an active member of Arcona for over a year, and his work with the Shadow Academy, his talents in gaming, and his desire to help his fellow members out got him on the hot track to being a part of the Summit. It is with great sadness we see him go, but sometimes real life gets the better of us. That is the nature of a volunteer club, which I think a lot of us sometimes forget.
Resultantly, however, this means we have an Aedile position to fill. We will be opening up this position to Brotherhood-wide applications, which will close Thursday 31st January 2013. Please ensure to email your applications to Socorra, Wuntila, Marick, Muz and Raken, otherwise your application will not be considered.
You can find the requirements and what we'd expect from a prospective applicant at this link!.
With Mark stepping up to Rollmaster, we have an opening for Void Squadron BTL. Flight Leader Snabbie will be holding the team down in the interim, but we look forward to reading your applications.
You can find the requirements and what we'd expect from a prospective applicant at this link!.
In reviewing the results from the membership survey released by Kratus, we stumbled across a suggestion for an Arconan 'Suggestion Box'. The concept is simple, if you have any suggestions for the clan or the summit, fill in an anonymous form, and we can use these suggestions to better the clan and maintain a link with the membership as a whole.
You can find the form at this link!.
It means you can be brutally honest about Arcona at present, and help provide constructive feedback and/or criticism about which direction we should take. Hopefully then we'll be in a better position to hear what the membership has to say. We wanted to give you a voice, so please, utilise this opportunity to make a difference.
(Tarax, if you're reading this and thinking about submitting a suggestion, either a. don't, or b. sign your name at the bottom like we discussed the other night!)
In an attempt to streamline the information shared among the member base, we have decided to revamp the way the summit will report back to you, the members. The following outline is pretty much how things will fly from now on.
Will detail Clan News, Brotherhood News, Internal and External Competitions, Upcoming Projects, Notable Awards, Member Recognition, and answers to questions left in the Arcona "Suggestions Box" (<small>detailed below</small>).
Will detail House News, focus on House member accomplishments, notable promotions, shadow academy courses, house-member medals/promotions, competitions, house-related projects and developments.
Will detail specific accomplishments by members of Battel Team, shadow academy courses, medals, promotions; projects and changes to the team.
The aims of having such a structure is so that eports arenât repetitive, and that at least every other week members accomplishments are being recognized.
With the departure of Timeros, who we sometimes forget did so much as a Rollmaster behind the scenes, we had some big shoes to fill. Iâd like to take a second to shout out Tim, who through his work with the ACC and his advisory role to the Summit was still able to help CREATE Prometheus (which is now widely used throughout the Brotherhood), and come up with creative solutions and tasks for helping Journeyman advance. He will be sorely missed.
As you all know by now, our very own Andrelious has been chosen as the new Clan Rollmaster! Mark, as most of us call him (`M on IRC) will be in charge of overseeing Arconaâs Master-Student Program, monitoring journeyman activity and working with both the members and masters in helping get our new members through the ranks. He will also act as the first point of contact for Journeyman, making sure they feel welcomed on both IRC and through e-mails, making sure they are added to the appropriate Google Groups.
Please give Andrelious the same courtesy you gave Timeros.
When looking at how we approached the Rollmaster position, and after polling the data of the survey run by our beloved Kratus, we decided that a voice for the people, to the Summit would go a long way in helping us stay better connected with our members. What better person to take up the position than the man who volunteered himself in running this survey, and bringing to attention issues that we had no idea were going on.
The Magistrate will act as an ear for the membership. He will not be making any reports, handling any administrative tasks, and holds no formal power that a member of the Arconan Summit typically yields. He will be involved in all Summit matters though, and responsible for acting as a liaison between the general membership and the summit, as well as acting as a mediator between any problems arising between members (whether summit or not) within the clan. He will monitor the suggestion box, bring issues that may arise to our attention, and help make sure we are communicating properly with each and every one of you. Furthermore, he will be working closely with Wally to act in mediation between members when conflicts should arise.
This is a new position - but something we felt can help us move forward and continue to make Arcona a better place for all of you. As with anything new, it is a learning experience for everyone, so please give us feedback, and let us know.
Congratulations, Kratus! We have every confidence youâll be a great Magistrate to the Summit.
In an attempt to build off the concept of the Arcona Post, our awesome DGM, Raken, has helped us design a cool template to work with in presenting Arconan fiction, artwork, and designs into a nifty web applet that can also be downloaded as a PDF.
What we need: Members willing to collect work, and organize it into a method to be passed to the Editor in Chief (Wally) who will then work with the DGM in adding the content to the page. We hope to expand to maybe some articles, and would love to publish it bi-monthly. Please e-mail [Log in to view e-mail addresses] if you are interested.
On account of how awesome winsauce you all are, I had to make a snazzy scrollbox so I didn't send the below newsposts off into next week! Please take a look at your leisure!
Nadrin Erinos Arconae got awarded a Pendant of Blood on 1/21/2013 8:15:36 AM (<small>For getting Nadrin to max level! Congrats!</small>)
Montresor got awarded a Crescent with Ruby Star on 1/20/2013 4:22:21 PM (<small>For achieving second place in the [Pre-Crusade] Feel My Pain competition.</small>)
Montresor got awarded 26 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/19/2013 2:26:44 PM (<small>Defeating 2x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 7 and 15x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 4 on 18Jan2013.</small>)
Valhavoc got awarded 26 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/19/2013 2:26:42 PM (<small>Defeating 2x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 7 and 15x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 4 on 18Jan2013.</small>)
Montresor got awarded 2 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/19/2013 2:26:41 PM (<small>Defeating 1x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 7 on 18Jan2013.</small>)
Valhavoc got awarded 2 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/19/2013 2:26:40 PM (<small>Defeating 1x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 7 on 18Jan2013.</small>)
Montresor got awarded 22 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/19/2013 2:26:40 PM (<small>Defeating 13x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 4 on 13Jan2013.</small>)
Valhavoc got awarded 22 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/19/2013 2:26:38 PM (<small>Defeating 13x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 4 on 13Jan2013.</small>)
K'tana got awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star on 1/18/2013 6:45:08 AM (<small>_For achieving first place in the This is my sword competition.
The awards for this competition were downgraded due to low participation._</small>)
Fet'ai'narun got awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star on 1/18/2013 6:45:07 AM (<small>_For achieving first place in the Judgement competition.
The awards for this competition were downgraded due to low participation._</small>)
Scelestus got awarded a Steel Cross on 1/15/2013 3:22:36 PM (<small>_After, Horizons, Scelestus continued to be a great boon to Arcona, and as my Aedile, assisted me in making sure our fellow Housemates were rewarded for their participation in Horizons. In Beyond the Horizon, he came 3rd in graphics, 3rd in Flash game, 2nd in Trivia, 2nd in RunOn, with participation in Acronym, poetry, trivia, Wk2 Acro, Fiction, Battleplan, and Graphics, which propelled him to 5th Place overall in the Feud, all the while pushing the Clan to participate and assisting others with their entries. For his valiant efforts, a full 12 out of 13 entries, and the assistance he has given as Aedile and to his Feud team, I wish to award him this Steel Cross. Congratulations!
~Socorra Erinos, Quaestor of House Qel-Droma_</small>)
Socorra Erinos got awarded a Dark Cross on 1/14/2013 9:44:11 PM (<small>_Part of transitioning into a new position is to make sure the people that supported said position are awarded for their efforts. I haven't spent any time with the members of the ACC Staff, but I know each has done an admirable job of handling the regular activity and qualification matches over the past few months. Unfortunately, I can't know of all they did behind the scenes while working for my predecessor, so I hope this small token lets them know their work was appreciated. Hopefully, when the time comes that the staff needs to grow, they'll be willing to return to their work.
Shadow Taldrya_</small>)
Tsainetomo Keibatsu got awarded a Dark Cross on 1/14/2013 9:44:09 PM (<small>_Part of transitioning into a new position is to make sure the people that supported said position are awarded for their efforts. I haven't spent any time with the members of the ACC Staff, but I know each has done an admirable job of handling the regular activity and qualification matches over the past few months. Unfortunately, I can't know of all they did behind the scenes while working for my predecessor, so I hope this small token lets them know their work was appreciated. Hopefully, when the time comes that the staff needs to grow, they'll be willing to return to their work.
Shadow Taldrya_</small>)
Wuntila Arconae got awarded a Dark Cross on 1/14/2013 9:44:09 PM (<small>_Part of transitioning into a new position is to make sure the people that supported said position are awarded for their efforts. I haven't spent any time with the members of the ACC Staff, but I know each has done an admirable job of handling the regular activity and qualification matches over the past few months. Unfortunately, I can't know of all they did behind the scenes while working for my predecessor, so I hope this small token lets them know their work was appreciated. Hopefully, when the time comes that the staff needs to grow, they'll be willing to return to their work.
Shadow Taldrya_</small>)
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae got awarded a Dark Cross on 1/14/2013 9:44:08 PM (<small>_Part of transitioning into a new position is to make sure the people that supported said position are awarded for their efforts. I haven't spent any time with the members of the ACC Staff, but I know each has done an admirable job of handling the regular activity and qualification matches over the past few months. Unfortunately, I can't know of all they did behind the scenes while working for my predecessor, so I hope this small token lets them know their work was appreciated. Hopefully, when the time comes that the staff needs to grow, they'll be willing to return to their work.
Shadow Taldrya_</small>)
Wes Biriuk Erinos got awarded a Steel Cross on 1/14/2013 11:18:22 AM
Zagel1 got awarded 15 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/11/2013 9:21:10 AM (<small>For completing hard mode Eternity Vault</small>)
Celahir Erinos got awarded a Pendant of Blood on 1/11/2013 9:21:05 AM (<small>For leveling Celahir to max level. Congrats!</small>)
Ood Bnar got awarded 7 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/11/2013 9:21:04 AM (<small>For completing Hard Mode Foundry</small>)
Cethgus Tiberus Entar got awarded 3 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/11/2013 9:21:03 AM (<small>For matchmaking on 1/1/2013</small>)
K'tana got awarded 3 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/11/2013 9:21:03 AM (<small>For matchmaking on 1/1/2013</small>)
Cethgus Tiberus Entar got awarded 3 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/11/2013 9:21:03 AM (<small>For matchmaking on 1/1/2013</small>)
Wuntila Arconae got awarded 3 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/11/2013 9:21:03 AM (<small>For matchmaking on 1/1/2013</small>)
K'tana got awarded 3 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/11/2013 9:21:02 AM (<small>For matchmaking on 1/1/2013</small>)
Inarya got awarded 6 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/10/2013 12:59:41 PM (<small>For completing normal mode Boarding Party on 10Jan2013 (assisted by Valhavoc).</small>)
Cethgus Tiberus Entar got awarded 6 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/10/2013 12:59:40 PM (<small>For completing normal mode Boarding Party on 10Jan2013 (assisted by Valhavoc).</small>)
Jaek Kaeth got awarded 6 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/10/2013 12:59:40 PM (<small>For completing normal mode Boarding Party on 10Jan2013 (assisted by Valhavoc).</small>)
Marick Arconae got awarded 6 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/10/2013 12:59:40 PM (<small>For completing normal mode Boarding Party on 10Jan2013 (assisted by Valhavoc).</small>)
Cethgus Tiberus Entar got awarded 6 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/10/2013 12:59:39 PM (<small>For completing normal mode Boarding Party on 10Jan2013 (assisted by Valhavoc).</small>)
Jaek Kaeth got awarded 6 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/10/2013 12:59:39 PM (<small>For completing normal mode Boarding Party on 10Jan2013 (assisted by Valhavoc).</small>)
Cethgus Tiberus Entar got awarded 6 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/10/2013 12:59:39 PM (<small>For completing normal mode Boarding Party on 10Jan2013 (assisted by Valhavoc).</small>)
Jaek Kaeth got awarded 6 times a Cluster of Fire on 1/10/2013 12:59:39 PM (<small>For completing normal mode Boarding Party on 10Jan2013 (assisted by Valhavoc).</small>)
Valhavoc got awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star on 1/9/2013 7:45:36 AM (<small>For achieving third place in the The Great (error) Hunt competition.</small>)
Montresor got awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star on 1/9/2013 7:45:36 AM (<small>For achieving second place in the The Great (error) Hunt competition.</small>)
Marick Arconae got awarded a <style="font-size:20pt;line-height:25pt;">Sapphire Blade!!! on 1/6/2013 9:15:02 PM <small>(For being duh, winning</small>)
Montresor got awarded 28x Cluster of Fire on 1/6/2013 9:11:19 PM (<small>Defeating 19x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 3&4 on 06Jan2013.</small>)
Valhavoc got awarded 28x Cluster of Fire on 1/6/2013 9:11:17 PM (<small>Defeating 19x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 3&4 on 06Jan2013.</small>)
Marick Arconae got awarded 27x Cluster of Fire on 1/6/2013 2:46:53 PM (<small>Defeating 18x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 3 on 05Jan2013.</small>)
Montresor got awarded 27x Cluster of Fire on 1/6/2013 2:46:53 PM (<small>Defeating 18x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 3 on 05Jan2013.</small>)
Valhavoc got awarded 27x Cluster of Fire on 1/6/2013 2:46:52 PM (<small>Defeating 18x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 3 on 05Jan2013.</small>)
Marick Arconae got awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star on 1/6/2013 1:53:03 PM (<small>For achieving third place in the Voice: I Dark Jedi competition.</small>)
Wuntila Arconae got awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star on 1/6/2013 1:53:03 PM (<small>For achieving second place in the Voice: I Dark Jedi competition.</small>)
Marick Arconae got awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star on 1/6/2013 1:53:02 PM (<small>For achieving second place in the VOICE: Holiday 2012 â "Attack of the Claus" competition.</small>)
Jaek Kaeth got awarded a Scroll of Indoctrination on 1/6/2013 8:51:03 AM (<small>Having recruited K'tana via Facebook, Jaek is deserving of a Scroll of Indoctrination. Thank you for bringing new members to the Brotherhood.</small>)
Ood Bnar got awarded a Dark Cross on 1/6/2013 8:51:03 AM
Valhavoc got awarded a Dark Cross on 1/6/2013 8:51:01 AM
Anduriel got awarded a Dark Cross on 1/5/2013 11:53:15 AM (<small>_Anduriel has only just joined the Dark Brotherhood less than 4 hours ago, but has swiftly moved into the swing of things by completing his Test of Lore, DB Basics, Obelisk Core and IRC Basics as well as coming on IRC and submitting to the Herald competition that is being run in connection to the Dark Crusade. As such, this activity goes above and beyond what one would expect from someone who has only JUST joined the Brotherhood and in response to the Headmaster's report where he calls on leaders to give out more merit medals, I believe that Anduriel is deserving of one and is a prime example of Solari's speech. Well done on your Dark Cross, Anduriel! Keep up the good work.
Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Quaestor of House Galeres_</small>)
Montresor got awarded 45x Cluster of Fire on 1/5/2013 10:29:46 AM (<small>Defeating 30x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 3 on 04Jan2013.</small>)
Marick Arconae got awarded 45x Cluster of Fire on 1/5/2013 10:29:45 AM (<small>Defeating 30x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 3 on 04Jan2013.</small>)
Valhavoc got awarded 45x Cluster of Fire on 1/5/2013 10:29:42 AM (<small>Defeating 30x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 3 on 04Jan2013.</small>)
Montresor got awarded 12x Cluster of Fire on 1/5/2013 10:29:40 AM (<small>Defeating 8x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 3 on 04Jan2013.</small>)
Scelestus got awarded 12x Cluster of Fire on 1/5/2013 10:29:38 AM (<small>Defeating 8x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 3 on 04Jan2013.</small>)
Valhavoc got awarded 12x Cluster of Fire on 1/5/2013 10:29:36 AM (<small>Defeating 8x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 3 on 04Jan2013.</small>)
Montresor got awarded 6x Cluster of Fire on 1/5/2013 10:29:36 AM (<small>_Defeating 4x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 3 on 04Jan2013.
Valhavoc got awarded 6x Cluster of Fire on 1/5/2013 10:29:34 AM (<small>_Defeating 4x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 3 on 04Jan2013.
Montresor got awarded 46x Cluster of Fire on 1/4/2013 8:05:22 AM (<small>Defeating 31x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 3 on 03Jan2013.</small>)
Valhavoc got awarded 46x cluster of Fire on 1/4/2013 8:05:21 AM (<small>Defeating 31x Elite/Rare bosses in Diablo 3, Inferno, Monster Power 3 on 03Jan2013.</small>)
K'tana got awarded a Dark Cross on 1/3/2013 12:14:06 PM (<small>_There are few members that go above and beyond to do as much as they can to elevate themselves and further themselves in the brotherhood. In the 9 days that she has been a member of the Dark Brotherhood, she has shown outstanding activity on IRC, joining the Vent Server, joining G+ hangouts to talk about requirements.
She has earned top marks in DB Basics, passed her ACC Basics and Training Saber Basics test.
She's written two pages of character fiction as per my request along with registering for the wiki and thoroughly working through her character history.
She's even managed to get a few games in with Cethgus and Wuntila.
It is my recommendation that she be awarded a Dark Cross for her consistent and dedicated activity.
-OT Jaek Kaeth, Master_</small>)
Nath Voth got awarded a Dark Cross on 1/3/2013 10:36:20 AM (<small>_Since joining the Brotherhood, not even two days ago, Nath has been a pleasure to deal with.
She has already passed DB Basics and her Order's CORE exam (both with high scores) and even helped to point out some issues with the Test of Lore which I would have otherwise been unaware of.
From what I understand, Nath was on IRC within a day of joining the Brotherhood and in my experience has been great to talk with.
Nath is a model new member and I see a strong DB Career ahead. _</small>)
Ood Bnar got promoted to Epis on 1/2/2013 11:17:00 AM
Incendus Layon Krayt got promoted to Dark Jedi Knight on 1/20/2013 8:22:00 AM
Montresor got promoted to Dark Jedi Knight on 1/10/2013 12:55:00 PM
K'tana got promoted to Jedi Hunter on 1/17/2013 9:53:00 PM
Nath Voth got promoted to Protector on 1/10/2013 1:57:00 PM
Anduriel got promoted to Protector on 1/17/2013 9:53:00 PM
As you are well aware, The Dark Crusade looms on the horizon. I dare not go into much more depth than my clan address on the subject. If you haven't seen it, you can find it here... yes, here. At this link. Here. It details everything you need to know about what's happening, how it will run, and how awesome Arcona will be when it finally arrives.
There's little more I can say on the actual event series itself, but I am anxious to repeat that this is our time to pull together, pick up arms and set aside any differences. I have always maintained that no individual, no group, no family is above Arcona. Arcona is the ideal. It is the banner that unites us, the ideal that binds us. We are above our petty squabbles and problems. It does not matter if we are condemned, pushed around, or trodden on. We rise to stand with a glint in our eyes and smile in the face of adversity. We have won before, and we can do it again. Every single person in this clan will have a vote on which direction The Dark Crusade will take us. You, the members of Arcona, will drive Arcona in which way you see fit. And, above all, we will rise up, come together, and demonstrate what the winning team spirit of Arcona can produce.
Rise up, take what is yours. You deserve it. For you have sculpted a clan, forged it from the ashes. We have all worked to drive Arcona towards supremacy. Reach out, take it. The Arconae will be standing behind you when you do.
For Arcona!
Arcona Invicta!
This report has been a long one. For that, I can only apologise. I honestly hope that at least some of the messages we have tried to convey here today go in, and I want to assure you that Arcona will be changing tack from here on in. I only hope you guys can find it within yourselves to forgive us on the summit, and drive forward refreshed, renewed, and full of ambition.
<li>Wuntila is sorry for being a douche;</li>
<li>Marick vows to turn over new leaf;</li>
<li>House Qel-Droma Aedile applications open;</li>
<li>Void Squadron BTL applications open;</li>
<li>Graus (Dan) on the mend;</li>
<li>Arcona Suggestion Box introduced - You can find it by following this link!. And please, do utilise it; it's your chance to make your voice heard.</li>
<li>New report schedule;</li>
<li>New Clan Rollmaster - Andrelious;</li>
<li>New position (Magistrate to the Summit) - Kratus;</li>
<li>ShadowChron volunteer wanted!</li>
<li>Many, many awards;</li>
<li>The Dark Crusade is coming (<small>I know, phrasing...</small>)</li>
In Darkness,
~Wuntila Arconae,
Consul of Clan Arcona.
~Marick Arconae,
Proconsul of Clan Arcona.
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Don't go telling people I'm not terrible, you'll ruin my image.
don't worry tarax, you're still a jerk even if arcona likes you. <3
I had no idea that Graus wasn't well. Want a Get well card from a washed up former DCer? :P
It's really nice that you guys got together and sent him notes like that. That's awesome.