Posting for Ood:
Saturdays at 8-9pm GMT (that's around 2pm for america) there's an EU friendly ToR op/raid. It's aimed at those members that can't make the regular time (cos that translates to around 4am GMT).
You can sign up on for the raid, just check the calendar
for February 2nd. Anyone's welcome but the more members from diverse clouses means better odds at CFs and it allows us EU members a shot at the cool gear too.
I'm not sending this as a member of any staff or after being asked by anyone. I'm just an EU member who'd like it if these Saturday events got put more in the spotlight and so we get more people, allowing us to actually run the thing.
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If you're planning on attending, please get Teamspeak. Server details are on the guild notice and guild info when you log into TOR.
I'll throw an announcement for this into the IRC Clouse channels as well as into #db about 15 to 20mins before we start as well.
2pm EST is 7pm GMT, not 8-9. So just to be clear is it 7 or 8pm GMT?
we'll start gathering people into the group around 7. I hope to be starting by 8 at least
We need at least:
2 tanks (got one already) 2 healers (got two atm) 4 DPS (got two atm)
so we should technically be sure that we'll be able to get going.
p.s. malik, i counted you as one of the healers
You count me?