Exam Score Drive


Exam Score Drive

Note: Don't even read this post until you have finished your entries for the Dark Crusade. Go compete!

If you look at the training tab on your dossier, you'll probably notice a few courses that don't have scores next to them. You'll also notice that those courses were likely passed a few years back, before scores were recorded on your dossier.

The problem with this is when you want a degree and one (or more) of the required courses for that degree are marked on your dossier as passed, but is missing a score. Without that score, we don't know if you have met the 85% requirement. You could well have passed with a perfect score, or barely scraped through. We just don't know.

We do have some options available to us, including searching through previous Headmaster's email achieves and trying to glean the information from the Shadow Academy's Database. However, these methods do not deliver results in every instance.

If you're missing scores for courses, required for degrees or not, email me and I'll do my best to dig them up. If I cannot find them, I'll give you a chance to get a score without having to retake the entire exam: I will pick out what I consider to be the hardest question and put it to you. If you answer the question well, I will set your score to 100%.

This offer will run until the March phase of the Dark Crusade starts. After this time I will look into assigning a score of 85% to any outstanding exams. This score is high enough to put towards a degree.

In short, if you have missing scores that you want filled in, email me know

Awesomecakes, bro.

This issue was dealt with before many moons ago, back when degrees first showed up. The general consensus was that unless it was a simple issue to get the "scores" back then a 85% score was given automatically as that was the minimum to receive degrees (not sure if that is still the case these days or not). So basically, unless there was proof that everything in the past was grandfathered in at the minimum-needed score to ensure you can move forward without having to re-take things. This makes sense since most exams have gone through numerous changes over the year.

Bringing it up as there was a precedent set already regarding it, so not sure if it's something that should be continued or not.

There was an MSN messenger course? Dafuq?

Ha, Raiju there was also AIM and ICQ courses :P

Halc, I wasn't aware of that (none of this sort of stuff is documented :P), my understanding from my times as M:HM (keeping in mind I had no part in dealing with Degrees lol) was that it either pulling the score out of the records or retaking the exam.

The flip-side of this is giving people a chance at a higher score... which may or may not play a role in the future...

Just remember that people did receive 85s automatically on the basis of the degree scores in the past, so changing scores later on may or may not screw people over as well :P

I can say that I was one of them people... if I recall. Can't remember which HM it was, think the one before Ronovi, who okayed a no-score exam for one of my degrees.

If it's a problem translating scores and degrees to the new site, it may be a lot easier for all parties involved to just set the blanks to 85. At least for the tests that no longer exist.

And I was waaaaay off. This was back when Aabs was HM :P

Well, since the prescident is there, I'll make the out standing ones 85% (i.e. you'll be godfathered into being able to get degrees.

Answering the challenge question correctly (if I can't find your scores) will give you 100%, rather than 90%, so the offer still stands and is valid if you want a score higher than 85%...

We really do need to start keeping better track of these kinds of decisions... they tend to bite everyone in the ass years later :P

<3 Windos

I'm logging everything in the cloud so I can throw it at the next HM and go "THIS IS EVERYTHING I KNOW!"

Throw some porn in there for good measure. Everyone loves titpics.

The two excel spreedsheets we have (dated 2003-2007) with course scores are notoriously missing lots of information.

Aabs and I dealt with missing scores pretty in the same matter. If a single score was missing for a degree, we took into account the median scores of all they had completed. Looks cool mang.

Spreadsheets even.

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