Hi everyone. Time for another Consul report. This one will be pretty short, especially since Atra (my glorious Proconsul)'s report was seemingly only a few days ago. And when I say short, I mean legitimately short, not like my-report-is-short-every-month-short. I only want to mention and make note of a couple of things before the inevitable massive vendetta announcement pushes my report off the news page and into happy oblivion. Just like that warm, fuzzy feeling I got when this report pushed down Arcona's "duh, winning" image.
Seriously though, nice job guys. :)
First, remember that last time where I said I was going to make a fiction topic on the forum so there would still be background fiction for the Clan, but you wouldn't be forced to scroll through it if you were, say, a disgruntled old Taldrya?
Well, we did that. Here it is: Naga Sadow Summit Fiction Updates
This is just a little background fiction about what's going on in the Orian System while we're away battling the Sith. Cause you know, just because we're all off having fun doesn't mean the system is dead.
If you're interested, enjoy my amazing writing. If you're not, go away. Or read the rest of my report. It won't take that long.
So the second chapter of the first phase of the Dark Crusade starts in a little over 24 hours. Cool. That about sums up my report, because there's nothing else going on right now. Insert motivational speaking here. No, really, you've already received it. I bet if you look hard enough, it's in your inbox right now.
Oh, wait, there are a couple of things I want to share.
Our team of Atra, Kalia, Araxis, Methyas, and some Palatinaen (cough, Archangel) won the Dark Crusade prologue. Kalia even got a Steel Cross for it.
And Archangel did a fine job as well. Kudos to him.
Goat (that's Darth Vexatus, for you newbs) got a Dark Cross for having the most posts of all participants, and they were pretty damn good quality as well.
Atra also got a Dark Cross for writing a guide to a particular game, as well as an Anteian Cross because he claimed three degrees of three different levels. At once. What a badass.
MacDonner also got a Dark Cross for continuing the trend of offering a newbie's perspective on what could be improved around here.
Great work guys!
There could be a lot more awards here, but we wanted to wait 'till we had something more solid. Originally we were going to go by phase, but as that's going to be quite a ways away, we'll be sitting down to deliver recognition that's rightfully deserved after this next chapter.
Finally, I'd like to talk about our Suggestion Box for a bit. You may remember that we made this around the time of the last report. It's purpose was to give you a way to talk to us anonymously. Well, only two suggestions were logged. Here they are, along with my reply:
No more apples in the vending machine please.
I'm sorry about that. Our shipments of pears and oranges keep getting shot down! We discovered that our pilots keep missing them, and the offenders have been shot and replaced with better pilots. You're welcome!
Locke, why do you not love me as you used to? Why do you deny our relationship? Why do you ignore me on the street? Why do you abandon me? I LOVED YOU!!!! :P
Sorry, but I just wasn't feeling it. Maybe some other time?
Yeah, so, as you can see, the Suggestion Box hasn't gotten much use. So USE IT! (For real issues)
That's it for this short report. There's really not a lot to convey at this point in time. The next chapter of the Dark Crusade starts very soon. I'd like to close by wishing the other Clouses good luck!
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Wait, you guys have vending machines? Yaaaaaacks
Hey. apparently they are fruit vending machines so :P
Hey. apparently they are fruit vending machines so :P
Tally, I have a fricken whorehouse / pub for Tal, stop yer bitching.