-> ## State of the House
** Welcome to the House Plagueis Quaestor Report!
We Are Plagueis, and We Are Strong! #### The Dark Crusade
For the second month in a row, We are Victorious! Congratulations to Arcona on their victory, and to Naga Sadow on their excellent effort! They earned some killer placements last round and deserve some serious kudos for that!
That said, even as we did really well, it comes because many of you stepped up and went four of five events this round. With one less event, we actually hit nine more entries, than we did last time. That's a great step up folks, and it made the difference. If we can keep it going, we stand a good chance of making it three for three next round. #### Member Appreciation <p>This is the section where I stop and thank all of you, and some specifically, for the work you did this last time around, and give the shout outs to members who stepped up. First, let me give public congratulations to Zuser and Shadowkind for their promotions to Dark Jedi Knight! They really pulled through for us and this is their reward.</p> <p>To Silent, Furios, Kuro, Nariah, Teylas, Arden, Alaris, Ronovi, Solus, Eiko, Celevon, Furios, Nite Dawn, Zuser, Shadowkind, Brimstone, and Telum. You all stepped up. You delivered four of six or better, many of you matching or bettering your participation from last time. You were key contributors to our success!</p> <p> Brimstone, once again you really pulled through, this time going Four of Five from your phone! Job well done! <p> Kuro and Silent. I understand that some rough stuff happened for you guys in Real Life, and I want to extend my personal condolences and thanks for working through. You guys really contributed in a big way! #### The Independence Games <p>Once a year we celebrate our Exodus. We celebrate that time in which we stood up and walked away from a club that ceased to value us. This year is a big one, being the Decade Anniversary of the establishment of the Dark Brotherhood as an independent unit. It's going to be a big one.</p> <p> James has taken a real shine to this, working exceptionally hard to make it as open and capable as possible. Many people are looking at the potential maximum number of events with some trepidation. It's not going to be anywhere near that number. James has already confirmed that quite a few people have opted out. That means we should see something much more manageable. I myself am working on an event that will test your comprehension of the Shadow Academy.</p><p> If you have a good idea, by all means, come to Eiko or I and ask for the link. Do not bring us the idea! We will be competing in your events, and as such, the idea should only be shared through the link to James. If you want help on concept, that's fine. We'll be glad to share the proposal documentation that contains the rules, and the event submission link for James to vet your idea. Every event that gets hosted helps our standing! </p><p> As Eiko and I have said several times already, don't burn yourselves out. While the IG's stand the chance of awarding you some serious 'Stige with the possibility of seals in the mix, the Dark Crusade will be right behind it. Pace yourself, compete where you want, and participate because it's fun. As much as I'd love to really knock it out of the park, I don't want to do so at the cost of your enthusiasm and ability to enjoy everything the DB has to offer. #### Battleteam Performance <p>It's Chapter Two check in time! Battleteam Karness Murr submitted a combined total of 30 Entries. Battleteam Ajunta Pall submitted a combined total of 41 entries. Once again Karness Murr, you were eleven entries short of Ajunta Pall in the last round. Do you have what it takes to dethrone them as the First Battleteam of Plagueis? Ajunta Pall, are you strong enough to maintain the title of First Battleteam of Plagueis? Only time will tell. I look forward to the results in Chapter Three, and also from the Independence Games. #### The Rewards <p>Merit Awards are in the works. As soon as possible, we'll get them up to be vetted by the MAA's office so that ya'll can enjoy them. As such, I'll post a separate email to our group announcing them once they've been submitted and approved. In the meantime, relax, enjoy the coming holidays, and remember that we are awesome, only because you are awesome. </p>## In Closing
<p>We've said we could do this for some time. Now we've proven that we are a contender. That means that we step up at every opportunity to do so. I'm right there with you, slogging through, pushing my best so that we can succeed together. Plagueis succeeds only because we value each other. The friendships we make, the camaraderie, that's the true success of Plagueis. We are family, and when we support each other, and reinforce each other, lending our ear or our skills and talents, we succeed individually, and as a whole.</p> ## TL:DR
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-> Obelisk Exarch Tra'an Reith
_<center>Adapt. Ascend. Avail!</center> <-
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Way to rise to the occasion, Plagueians. Very impressed with your guys turn out for a 2nd chapter in a row. Get ready for Part 3 ;).
TR, I think you missed the point of the TL;DR.
He got it right on the first one, but then after that, sorta lost it. :)
Again with mentioning me twice. I think there must be some kind of joke here. Like the fact that I write my name too many times in my fictions. I don't know.
not offering criticism but TR, your banner's wrong (don't know if you've noticed). We spell it Quaestor not Questor ;-)
Budget cuts Ood, budget cuts. We're trying not to cut back on slave girls and serving droids for the summit that we started cutting the letter a :).
Budget cuts Ood, budget cuts. We're trying not to cut back on slave girls and serving droids for the summit that we started cutting the letter a :).
There are too many vowels in it, TR couldn't afford to buy them all. Damn that stingy Pat Sajak!
Vwls. Vwls r xpnsve.
You kind of failed with that one, Eiko...that e on the end must've cost you a bundle.
I gave Eiko that e. It was a gift from the vowel black market.