Hello all,
We recently held a vote within the Dark Council to amend the wording of the Covenant to now include House leaders in the same powers that are afforded to full time DCers and Consuls. The wording change, to "Electorate", will allow house leaders to now vote on matters such as GM and JST appointment and indictment, as well as streamlining some outdated wording and grammatical errors within the document itself. We will be updating the Dark Covenant here on the site, and the wiki within the next couple of days, and I will post these changes again once they are live.
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So, will this only affect the leadership of the Independent houses, or will Qua/Aed within a Clan get the same privilege?
Clarification: All votes called for under the Covenant will be votes among the Electorate. The Electorate consists of (1) the Grand Master; (2) the full-time Dark Council members; and (3) the leader of each independent unit of the Brotherhood.
These are for Independant Houses. QUAs within a Clan do not fall under this change.
I see a mention of 'House Leaders,' but not Quaestors or Aediles, specifically. So I would assume that for a clan, it would be the Consul and Proconsul, wheras a House would be Quaestors and Aediles. Correct me if i'm wrong, but that's what I gathered.
That is why the wording will be for each "independent unit." Whether it is a clan or independent house, that leader of that independent unit (Consul or Quaestor) will have the opportunity to vote on matters brought for the whole electorate.
This came up because the Covenant was written when every house was in a clan, but that is no longer the case, and many members of the Brotherhood were left without a direct vote on (for example) the appointment of the Justicar. We got to ask questions of the candidate, but we did not get to vote. Under the updated version, we would get to vote.
If it helps, think of it as restoring the original intent of the definition of the electorate. Every member, through their unit's primary leader, is now fully represented and voiced by voting. Of course, how the unit's leader wants to gather his/her unti's feelings on a vote is another matter altogether, and up to each unit.
Wow, looks like I need to read the Covenant...I didn't even know we had provisions for democratic elections!
like this new arrangement. It gives us smaller units a voice in what's going on with some of the things in the DB, versus the Clans always getting it simply by virtue of...well, because they're a Clan. It's fairer, and provides full representation for all the units of the Brotherhood.
Now let's see if things run smoother than in American political elections. Who's first to run a dirty smear campaign? ;)
Not Democratic. It's a Republic not unlike Rome. Our leaders are appointed by other leaders and have the ability to vote on a variety of things.
My question is this: When all the Clan's were de-clanned, we did not lose any of the planets were held or any part of the military units we held. The only two things we lost is having a Consul and Proconsul, a second house and a voice on the Dark Council. With Houses having an equal voice on the Dark Council as Clans, is having more leadership positions than a House enough to make a distinction between houses and clans necessary or important?
Why should a House work hard to become a Clan, if they already have a voice on the Dark Council?
"Why should a House work hard to become a Clan, if they already have a voice on the Dark Council?"
I don't think those two things should ever be connected.: - the effort to get people into activities so you can have a Clan again - the voice for matters such as GM and JST appointment and indictment
Now to a constructed situation: The DC gets exchanged to loyal people. Everyone gets declanned. And now we appoint Astatine as new GM. And no one can vote against that.
You really want that? :D
Do the changes!