<head> <title>HTML Generator Sample Page</title> </head>
Hey DB,
The time has come I am reigning the post of High Councillor of House Odan-Urr (Quaestor). With that the application process must begin in order to find a favorable successor for the job. Muz and Raken will be handling the application's so send them in. While I do not have a timeframe for the applications, I urge those of you interested in a position of calibre to act quickly and with professionalism. The right qualities of person and leader in union with their ideas and works will be recognized to head up the house.
Send in your applications with a comprehensive 30-60-90 day schedules and plans of action to Muz and Raken. I also strongly urge foreign applicants to become intensly knowledgable of the nature of House Odan-Urr's character, members, and history before submitting for the post.
Thanks and may the force be with you all- Dro
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