Plagueis Quaestor Report (25-6-2013)


Plagueis Quaestor Report (25-6-2013)

Hello, everyone! It's Quaestor report time, so let's roll up ourvsleeves and get to the important stuff.

Shifts in Summit

New Quaestor

As all of you are aware of, I am your new Quaestor. I have served as Consul, Quaestor, and Headmaster before, so this is a familiar job for me. I'm very happy to working with all of you.

As your Quaestor, I will be seeing to maintaining some of the Plagueis structure while also emphasizing new processes to improve member retention, quality participation, joint work with other units, and lore guidance. Those are all on the list of things to do, but before that, we need an Aedile.

Aedile and BTL Applications

Aedile applications are open within the house until July 1st. Some of you have already applied for the position. If you have not yet applied and are still interested, please e-mail me, Muz, and Raken a solid application containing strong plans for the future of Plagueis.

If you are interested in being a leader even if you are not picked as Aedile, not to worry - we have battle team leader positions open for both our teams, Karness Muur and Ajunta Pall. If you would like to simply apply for BTL, just e-mail me an application with your plans for your preferred battle team. If you would like to apply for both Aedile and BTL, simply add a note to the end of your Aedile application stating your preferred team to lead and what plans you have for the team's future.

I am sincerely looking forward to seeing more applications come in this week, especially from our newer members.

Dark Crusade

Phase II

While Arden and I are discussing potential awards for members, it is time to focus on the next phase of the Dark Crusade, which is coming up fast. I know, I know - some of you were really enjoying your R&R. This phase, unlike Phase I, will place emphasis on placement as well as participation. More specifically, as Raken declared in his report, we will be forming a Special Forces team, consisting of 8 members (with a ninth member attachment, due to our successful 1.6 participation ratio in the previous Dark Crusade chapter). The rest of you, equally as important, will be forming the General Troops.

Arden and I will be contacting various Plagueians soon that we believe have proven themselves to be worthy of joining our Special Forces. Being part of Special Forces, however, is a huge responsibility. Not only will you be expected to participate, but you will also be expected to produce your very best work - because we need to place. Top three and top five spots will determine, in the next Dark Crusade round, who wins the planets. So if you are on Special Forces, it is because we see quality work from you, and we expect quality work from you from now on.

If you are in General Troops, you are still crucial, because if you get participation up to 1.5 or higher, we will earn yet another attachment to our Special Forces. Right now, we have one attachment, giving us 9 Special Forces members. Basically, this is a chance to knock the other units dead. On Nfolgai, we managed to snag the top five spots in the High Value Target Fiction Event. We can replicate that placement success. I know we can.


Similar to what Sarin/Pravus is doing with Nova-winning fiction, Arden and I plan to showcase several works of fiction from the summit and general membership on the Plagueis forums. These fictions will include - (gasp) - exclusive fictions written by Tra'an, Alaris, Arden, and yours truly. Some of these fictions have been written as extras that will be added to the overall Plagueis lore, including such meaty tidbits as:

  • The reason for Ronovi's appoint to Aedile.

  • The reason for Eiko's disappearance.

  • The reason for Tra'an's resignation.

  • The reason for Alaris's departure, as well as a look into the hostile relationship between Alaris and Ronovi (IC, of course).

  • Individual fictions from multiple Dark Crusade events, including the most recent High Value Target and Chronicle events.

If you are someone whose fiction we'd like to showcase, you will receive an e-mail from the summit first, asking for your permission to present the fiction. We will not show off any of your work without first acquiring your consent.


That's really about it, guys! Other notes were covered in Arden's report earlier in the month, so go check that out for more info on membership activity, and awards. Keep sending in Aedile applications, and stay tuned for a possible e-mail inviting you to be part of the elite Special Forces. I'll catch you all on the flipside.



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