Greetings all,
Sorry to take up your time, but I wanted to let everyone know that I'm going to be running a DB-Wide Fantasy Football League for the upcoming NFL Season (2013-14).
For those of you that don't know what Fantasy Football is, it's basically an ongoing game where you select players in the NFL and create a "All-star" team of players you think will score the most points. You draft a QB, Running Backs, Receivers, Tight Ends, and even pick a Defense you want to run with. You have the ability to trade, pick up players in Free Agency, and compete in head-to-head weekly match ups each week to make a run at the Championship.
A player gets points by doing something related to their position. If a Running back runs for a Touch Down, they get 6 points. Your player gets 6 points to go to your teams score for the week. It can be a lot of fun, and this coming from someone who HATES math.
Even if you've never played, don't be deterred from asking questions or signing up to try and play. I am happy to answer any questions you might have.
The only thing I ask is that if you sign up, you stay on top of your lineup each week and set your players. It takes the entire fun out of the game. It really does, so if you can't commit at least an hour or two each week to set your lineup, don't waste a slot.
If you want to check it out, I'll be using's site for running the league:
Please e-mail [Log in to view e-mail addresses] if you are interested in joining the League. This year, I will run it as an actual competition so that we can get Crescents out of it :D. Once the league is filled up, we will pick a date to try and organize a live draft online. If you can't make it, you can set your picks beforehand and have the computer auto-draft your team for you.
(I should note that even auto drafting sometimes ends up doing better than when you try and plan it out. I would have been better off letting the CPU draft for me last year -.-.)
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Wallykamini Somakandarkram!
Welcome the return of Password is Taco.
This year, all you shit-zippers will bathe in my glory. Shiva is mine.
Sam top Wally bottom will be wiping the floor with all y'all, prepare for domination
Lol. You all will fall to the chiss
Last 10 years I've done this, won 8 titles. I will not lose
Watches folks with glee as they trash talk
I am cautiously optimistic that I can secure fourth or fifth place. I don't know much about football, but I know Neymar was just drafted by Spain. Hopefully he can score touchdowns for my team.