The DJB TOR Guild needs YOU!


The DJB TOR Guild needs YOU!

With an influx of new recruits and hardened veterans, the DJB's Star Wars The Old Republic guild expanding by leaps and bounds. We would like to invite any and all players to join us and share in the guild, and the esprit de corps which it brings. And since the game is now free-to-play (with a premium option), even more people have access to it.

We have both an Imperial Guild and a Republic guild, and are looking to build both of them. The Republic Guild, Knights of Odan-Urr, has waned as of late, and we would really like to bring it back to full strength, where it rivaled the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (Imperial guild) in activity and raid boss kills.

If you already have a TOR account, we're on Jedi Covenant-US East server. It is PvE, and we run raids all the time. And if you were scared away at the beginning of the game's lifespan by the half-finished feeling, don't worry, it's far better now!

If you do not have a TOR account, you can create one at and download it through there. Warning: It is a very big download. It is also a graphically complex game, and I would suggest looking at the computer requirements before attempting the download.

Once in-game, contact one of the officers for a guild invite, either by messaging them directly, talk to us on teamspeak or IRC, or by typing " /create Brotherhood " in the chat window, thereby creating a custom channel to talk in. Most of the officers are signed into it, and should be available to do the invite.

SWTOR is a fantastic way to gain promotions in the DJB, as well as maintaining activity. There is always room for promotion within the guild itself. Clusters of Fire and Pendants of Blood are easy to earn, and look awesome on your profiles.

Pro-tip: We particularly need tanks and healers! So if you are interested, create one of the following to help the guild out even more:

Tanks: Sith Juggernaut, Sith Assassin, Powertech

Healer: Sith Sorcerer, Mercenary, Operative

Contact myself, Oberst or Rayne for more information or assistance.

Final thought: Our Teamspeak has changed for the time being! The new address is . No port or password.

Don't be afraid to create an alt for the Odan Urr guild if your in the DJB guild already or vice versa.

my main DJB Guild PC = Putra my main ODU guild PC = Sarwono

Don't be afraid to send me a whisper if your looking for an invite to either side.

DJB Imp Char: Valkish and Lorenzi

ODU Rep Char : Vancelo

btw, the more subscribers in a guild => the more XP bonus the guild gets (odan urr has 35 atm). I'd like to ask all subscribers to at least join each guild with one toon, allowing the non-subscribers to benefit from the XP bonus to it's fullest extent

Working on leveling up my Powertech BH tank. 46 now. Hopefully 55 shortly after this round of the Crusade.

Also, I can invite to the Empire guild. Characters are Valhavoc and Valhavic.

Hey, idk if they fixed this or not, but last time I checked F2P characters cannot join or create private channels, so we can't join the brotherhood channel.

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