Consul Report


Consul Report

I have completed the coding of the GMRG site. Only thing that remains is getting write access enabled on the site. Hopefully ZK can get it done soon..

I plan on making some coding changes to the Brigade League and Obelisk Studies sites. The changes will enable a faster connection to the database making it more effienct.

House Comments:

Aleema - With activity rising it helps the house look good. If this keeps up hopefully the House Roster will climb as well. Keep up the good work guys. :-)

Kirleta - With the Brigade League ongoing, Vashino maintains their 1st place seat. Keep it up guys and submit anything that's listed on the points page to help out Vashino..

Galthain - Nothing that new this week. I am happy to see 10 promo's ranging from GRD to SW. I'm hopefull this will get the other members working to get promoted and help keep the activity level up at a good level..

The Summit members and I are tossing back and forth ideas on a inner clan comp. This will be good and I cant wait for everything to be worked out.. :-)

>From the chambers of the Quaestor...

We have a couple of noteworthy items this week...

-First, I'm very glad to see that activity is on the rise in House Aleema.
GRD War has sent in several (more like close to, if not over, ten) banners,
and ACO Tatsu has written me a couple of stories. Also, a number of members
(unfortunately, not including myself) have written bios. Great work, guys! :)

-Now, for the newest member of House Aleema... Tatsu, you were a frenzy of
activity since you joined the House, submitting two stories to me in
something like three weeks and being very active over the mailing list. In
reward, I am happy to present you with a promotion to the rank of
Protector. Congratulations, and keep up the good work.

-As for the rest of you, rewards are on the way for activity. Let's keep
this up, guys. :)


Krath Archpriest Jacen Nightflyer

Quaestor, House Aleema of Satal Keto
KAP Nightflyer(Krath)/QUA/Aleema of Satal Keto,


SBM Ricardo reporting in for House Galthain on 02/24/01...


Check out for all DB News.


1) Check out often for Clan news
and notes. Especially about the new CSK Database!!!!


1) First off- congratulations to Domi's Disciples of Death's new Squadron
Commander- Sickman! It's been a long time since DDD's had a CMDR, so
Sickman has some work cut out for him :)

2) This has been a pretty quiet week; this report is late because I've been
kind of sick lately :. Anyway, AED Drako and I have reviewed the ranks for
pilots deserving of rank elevations, so pilots who showed their stuff in the
recent clan, house and squadron competitions might be getting some rewards

Also, the pilots who earned medals in the House and Delphian vs. Ghostrider
(Spear or Adren- send me the names of those pilots) will be getting them
soon :)


JH Astin has gone Rogue.

Clan Satal Keto:
House Galthain:
House Galthain Roll:
Domi's Disciples of Death: TBA

Shadow Acadamy:
The Dark Side Compendium,
Grand Master's Throne Room,
Dark Brotherhood Message Board,
Dark Brotherhood:
Emperor's Hammer:


WC/GN Alec Ricardo/Wing IV/SSSD Sov

[SS|BSx4|PCx3|ISMx7|MoT-2gh|MoC-6BoC-SoC|OA-2E] {PIN- #275}
[IWATS-SM/1/2-mIRC] - - T/D "Sable"

House Galthain's Quaestor
SBM Ricardo (Sith)/Galthain of Satal Keto [GC/SC/WC/DC]

"Death, thunder, destruction and brawl!"

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

So ends another great week for Kirleta. We
have a strong lead in Brigade League. I would like to
spotlight 2 members for their outstanding work with
the brigade league. First is: SGT Rizlib he has lead
Vashino well and put them in a strong lead. I know we
will come out the victors. The second person is: TRP
Risca. Though he was gone for a long time he has come
back and worked harder then ever to help bring
Vashinos lead. Not much planned for this week,
probably a few matches etc. I will begin working on a
CSK level sometime this week coming up and hopfully
finish it. Thats it for this week!


DJK Darkheart (Obelisk)/AED/Kirleta of Satal Keto
FL/LCM Darkheart/Ghost 3-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal

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Vice Admiral Corran Force

COM/VA Corran Force/ISD Challenge
GS/SSx2/BSx3/PCx2/ISMx4/MoI/MoC-19BoC-6SoC-1GoC/LoAx2/OV [KNGT]

OBL (Obelisk)/P:OHC/CON/Satal Keto, GC/SC/(BN) {SA: CORE}

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