--* Clan Taldryan Report *--
March 19, 2001
--==* Contents
==*Important Clan Announcements
*Consul Reports
*New Archanis Aedile
*New Dinaari Quaestor
*Taldryan Times Posted *==
==*Policy and Procedure Announcements
*Clan Taldryan eGroup Changes
*Clan Taldryan Domain Update
*Big Poppa Jac's Personal Policy changes
*IRC Junk *==
==*Promotions and Medal awards
*Grrrr...lousy fricken Database *==
==*New Members
*Grrrr...lousy fricken Database *==
==*Dark Brotherhood News
*Nothing *==
==*Reports From the Past Week
*Bah *== *==--
--Important Clan Announcements--
--==*Consul Reports
Okeydokey everyone....You're gonna be able to expect my reports every Monday from
here on out. I am required to get in a report every week before Thursday with
Faethor, so I will be sending these reports to the Dark Council along with all
of you. I don't know if I like the format yet...hehehe....I gotta work on it.
One of the things that I will be working toward doing from here on out is making
an e-mail to the clan just about everyday. I do not like making long reports,
so aside from this report, my future ones will not contain DB news and some other
things. I plan on taking DB news and putting that out as it comes, or putting
it all out in one e-mail every week. I will also be compiling a competition listing
and sending that out during the week at some point. If you do not like getting
an e-mail from me almost everyday....tough. Yacko and I have taken steps to cut
down on the extra Bloat Mail that comes along with reports like these, so you
can deal with my mails.
For the benefit of members of other houses, and for the Dark Council I am including
reports from house Quaestors. Please take the time to read what is happening in
other houses.... *==--
--==*New Archanis Aedile
I would like to begin by saying thank you to everyone who applied for the position
of Aedile of House Archanis. Aedile is a very important position and because you
didn't get it doesn't mean you aren't good enough and it certainly doesn't mean
we don't like ya..:)
The new Aedile for Archanis is Dark jedi Knight ShadowHawk! Congrats!!
ShadowHawk and Tiger will be working closely together on projects such as Archanis
vs. Avenger and other projects to get Archy back up and running!! Shadowhawk has
my full confidence and will contribute much to Archanis to help make it the most
active house in the DB. *==--
--==*New Dinaari Quaestor
After a long time of deliberating and talking to people, a Quaestor for Dinaari
has been chosen. This person is none other than Kir Katarn! Congrats Kir! Kir
has done an excellent job as Aedile and he will now get a chance to try and fill
Jordo's shoes. I am confident that he will do wonderful.
With that being said....we will be taking Dinaari Aedile applications. Please
mail applications to Kir, Yacko, and Myself. ([Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses],
[Log in to view e-mail addresses]) *==--
--==*Taldryan Times Posted
As posted from Crix Madine:
"The latest issue of the Tal Times has been posted at
http://www.jsspace.com/tal-times/. You'll notice that there are few
submissions. I need you guys to send me stuff. When you send stuff in for
any non-flying comp, I want you to CC me so that I can put it in the Times.
I don't care how bad you think it looks, just send it to me. The next issue
will be out on the 31st. What that means is that I need everything you want
in the Times sent to me by the 30th. Also, please send me stories as
attachments when possible, it makes it a lot easier on me and Blitz. You
can also think of it this way: if you don't send me stuff, yux will yell at
me cause I can't get the Times out on time and then when he finds out that
it's because there are no submissions, he'll yell at you and you know you
don't want yux yelling at you. That's all for now...send in the
In Darkness,
CMDR-TCC:XWA-TCT/CPT Crix Madine/Spectre/Avenger Wing I/SSD Avenger
PCx2/ISMx10/MoI/LoC-CSx5/CoL/CoB [DRAG] {IWATS-M/1/2-PHP/1-SM/2}
DJK Crix Madine III (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan,
SP Crix Madine (Sahare)/HC:7 [LXY:Dark Side][ESHU:Force's Fury][YT 2000:
I would like to encourage participation in the Taldryan Times. We need people
to submit things to them so we can get it lookin good. The Tally Times will
be submitted to the Dark Voice whenever Khyron gets that done (don't hold your
breath). When that happens I will look toward getting medals for your submissions....
__--==*Policy and Procedure Announcements
--==*Clan Taldryan eGroup Changes
Ok. After a barrage of complaints about the excess e-mail going through [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Yacko and I have decided to restrict access to the group. From here on out there
will be two changes. First, the group will be moderated. That means that I will
read your e-mail first and then decided whether or not it is good enough to
pass along to the clan. Second, the eGroup will go to a reply-to-author standard.
This means that if you reply to this the e-mail will go to me whereas it would
have gone to the eGroup before. We'll see how this works and make additional
changes if necessary. For the meantime, please try to use the Taldryan Message
Board more and more! *==--
--==*Clan Taldryan Domain Update
I'm workin on it....hold yer horses. I am trying to find cheap hosting that
will support a multitude of languages (PHP4, ASP, ect...) If you all know of
anything good...e-mail it to me... *==--
--==*Big Poppa Jac's Personal Policy changes
I know I've already spoken a bit about this, but I just want to say it again..:)
I will be sending out almost an e-mail a day on various things. If you don't
like this, tough...
I have started a personal file on members that have submitted things for me.
Once the database is up I will complete the rest of the files. I will be using
these to help me give promotions and medals.
If you want a medal or think you deserve a promo...e-mail me...
This section will be better later...hahahah *==--
--==*IRC Junk
I want to encourage all members to get on IRC more. I have been trying to be
on most of the day everyday (except the past few days...my bad). IRC, as has
been said before, is the best way to get ahold of everyone and the best way
to socialize. Please join us in #Taldryan!! *-- *--__
__--==*Promotions and Medal awards
--==*Grrrr...lousy fricken Database
The Damn database is still gone....can't give promos till it's up really...sorry
boys and girls *==--
__--==*New Members
--==*Grrrr...lousy fricken Database
The Damn database is still gone....can't give medals till it's up really...sorry
boys and girls *==--
__--==*Dark Brotherhood News
There is absolutely nothin to report....go figure *==--__
__--==*Reports From the Past Week
I'm going to add the reports starting Monday...a lot of the news is old, and
not relevant now...
That's it for this report boys and girls....see ya on the flip side...
Lord Jac Cotelin, Consul of Clan Taldryan
Grand Master Emeritus
Fleet Admiral, Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
Grand High Imperial Pimp In Training
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