House Marka Ragnos Weekly Report #3 - 12/08/01
The Vendetta has started! Go to for details.
Night Hawks Phyle run-on has started. Go to
Our Aedile, Bob-Fett will be leaving us soon and I will therefore be looking for a replacement.
Krath Event 1 Deadline 8-11-2001
Posted by DJM Z'lar Kahn - 10:08:55 AM
Since there have been differences between the date posted in the site and the date announced by the KHP, and because of her being on leave, I'm resetting the deadline to Friday 17th.
Krath Site Updated 8-9-2001
Posted by KPN Mairin Astoris - 1:27:53 PM
Yep, that's right - the Krath site has been updated with some recent news that you can actually already find on this site, but don't let that trouble you. :P
Krath Announcements
Posted by KPN Mairin Astoris - 1:05:16 PM
Apologies for the length of this thing.. I'm doing it in less of a rush this week. >:)
1: Vendetta stuff first:
Please remember to put your ID line in your submission - it does help a lot!
Tetrarchs you should be putting a full list of ID lines in with your Event 1 Submissions for medal awarding purposes. Please also zip your submissions for me, as I'm only on a little modem, and it's a slow little thing!
You can now submit for Krath Events 2, 3 & 4 in poetical form. Those that would have done this and have already submitted may resubmit if they wish to. This decision has been taken in consultation with my Magistrate, KP Kaiann, to allow for those who want to dabble in poetry. ;)
2: On a sad note, my Praetor, OWL Tron Sadow, has been forced to resign due to RL commitments. PLEASE don't apply for the position! I will most likely be opening it up in the near future to my Magistrates first. It will only be opened to the general membership failing Kaiann or Ciara applying for it. I will keep you all posted.
3: There will be a 4-week maximum break (I hope) following this Vendetta before aother Competition starts up. I have the plans ready and waiting on my computer (they just need HTMLing), so hopefully there won't be any delays. Keep your eyes and ears tuned after the Vendtta for more details - it's going to be a biggy! :)
4: The Leadership Course that the DGM asked me to complete has now been finished and sent to the DGM and both other Order Leaders for comments and amendments. Following this I hope to send it to the Assembly of Consuls for comments and amendments from them before it gets sent on to Headmaster Mejas Doto. I estimate the whole process should take about 2-3 weeks.
5: I'm also currently in the middle of overseeing Clan Histories. I'll be submitting my report on that to DGM Zlar Kahn on Sunday night and writing will commence after the Vendetta is over. Following the Clan History Project completion, I am considering moving on to Krath House Histories...
6: Unfortunately, due to writing the Leadership Course, Krath Order Studies have got a little behind schedule. I'm hoping to get a bit more done on that this week and have some more positive news next weekend.
7: I'm on leave as of Thursday night until Sunday night. Please send all Vendetta submissions to me as normal. In the case of an emergency, please contact either of my magistrates, KAP Ciara (Proconsul Tarentum) or KP Kaiann (Quaestor Aleema), and I'm sure they'll be pleased to help you. :)
Total Members: 16
Quaestor: Iylan Kano [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]
Aedile: Bob-Fett [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]
Dark Jedi Master Shups
Epis Trevarus Caerick
Archpriest Alex
Archpriest Mordann
Priest Enerum
Priest Shae-Lynn Jade
Dark Jedi Knight Ghost Dog
Dark Jedi Knight StarLion
Dark Jedi Knight Tharivol Endymiron
Jedi Hunter Ayudanter Clars III
Guardian Li Mu Bai
Acolyte Figaro
Acolyte Imperial
Acolyte J'Rai
None, Recruit!
There will be no promotions until after the Vendetta when I hope to be able to give out several.
None. Come on people lets see something worthy of reward.
Team Total: 11
Tetrarch Ghost Dog ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Tyro Trevarus Caerick
Tyro Shae-Lynn Jade
Tyro Li Mu Bai
Tyro Tharivol Endymiron
Tyro Shups
Tyro Figaro
Tyro Bob-Fett
Tyro Iylan Kano
Tyro Imperial
Tyro Starlion
Contact Ghost Dog in order to join.
Ghost Dog, I want a Phyle report sent to myself and Bob every Wednesday.
The DB Vendetta has started! Go to for details.
Phyle members post on the run-on at
Aswell as the run-on lets see some work on the other Krath parts of the Vendetta please.
IRC Channel: #Naga_Sadow (Undernet channel)
HMR home:
DB Site:
Dark Library:
In Darkness,
KP Iylan Kano (Krath)/QUA/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow,
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