Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Marka Ragnos Weekly Report #11 - 06/10/01


  • BIG NEW IMPORTANT COMPETITION - New HMR Run-On. See Competitions section and seperate email for details.

  • New HMR homepage up at: http://www24.brinkster.com/hmr

  • New Team Night Death Webpage up at: http://www24.brinkster.com/nightdeath/index.html

  • Protector Figaro promoted to Tetrach of the Night Hawks

  • Protector J'Rai promoted to Tetrach of the Night Death

  • Tetrachs, Phyle Reports in to myself and Khobai every Wednesday from now on please.

  • KHP, DA Mairin Astoris is back from her hemidemisemileave (it's ok Mai, we know being an order leader is stressful :P )


Total Members: 15

Quaestor: Iylan Kano [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Aedile: Khobai [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Dark Jedi Master Shups

Pontifex Voranyen

Archpriest Alex

Priest Ryuu Kurayami

Priest Enerum

Priest Shae-Lynn Jade

Priest Knight Ghost Dog

Priest Tharivol Endymiron

Dark Jedi Knight StarLion

Protector Figaro

Protector J'Rai

Acolyte Dron

Acolyte Imperial


None. Lets try and recruit some newbies people.


-Acolyte Figaro to Protector Figaro

-Protector Figaro to Tetrach of the Night Hawks

-Acolyte J'Rai to Protector J'Rai

-Protector J'Rai to Tetrach of the Night Death


Protector J'Rai awarded a Dark Cross for his work on the Night Death's homepage.


<night hawks phyle>

Team Total: 6

Tetrarch Figaro [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Tyro Shae-Lynn Jade

Tyro Shups

Tyro Starlion

Tyro Ghost Dog

Tyro Imperial

Contact Figaro in order to join.

<night death phyle>

Team Total: 7

Tetrarch J'Rai [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Tyro Voranyen

Tyro Alex

Tyro Tharivol Endymiron

Tyro Enerum

Tyro Ryuu Kurayami

Tyro Dron

Contact J'Rai in order to join.


RUNNING - HMR Run-On Competition

           Run by HMR Quastor, KP Iylan Kano [db_kano@yahoo.co.uk]  

           Run on at:  http://www.asp-dev.co.uk/freeForum3/topic.asp?board_ID=549&topic_id=7638&forum_id=1173&Topic_Title=New+HMR+Run%2DOn&forum_title=HMR+Run%2Dons&M=False&S=True  

RUNNING - Name... that... CITADEL Competition

           Run by HMR Envoy, KP Ryuu Kurayami.  Send entries to [ryuu@digitalprophet.org]  

RUNNING - Night Death Phyle Motto and Crest Competition.

           Run by Night Death Tetrach, PRT J'Rai.  Send entries to [lordknightraven@aol.com].  


In Darkness,

KP Iylan Kano (Krath)/QUA/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow,

SC/DC-KC/(BNAg) </night></night>

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