Krath High Priestess Report


Krath High Priestess Report

News for the week ending 27th October 2001:

1: Murder Mystery League solutions for Round 3 are due in to me by 11.59pm EST on Saturday 27th October 2001. No solution means no points, so get them in! Round 4 scenarios will be being sent around on Sunday 28th


2: The Krath Monthly Topic is open until 2nd November, so make sure you get your entries in by then! I've got six entries so far - another four means that I can award nice medals and things to the two top-placed entries. Don't forget that entries are due in by 11.59pm EST 2nd

November. More details, as ever, can be found at

3: Don't forget to subscribe to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] - a great way to communicate with your colleagues and friends throughout the Order, and basically have some fun!

4: Remember we've got a cool message board (getting spammed at the minute by some guy trying to sell kung fu lessons - Chi, is that you???), so come and check it out!

5: Visit for all the latest news, reviews, poll results and much much more in the Krath


6: Work on the much vaunted Krath Archive will be getting underway again shortly - I'm busy requisitioning graphics from people, and hope to be able to have the basic layout done as soon as possible. Over the Christmas vacation, I may well start learning to code (eek, stand back!) so it could turn out to be a database (wahey!). It depends how bored of school work I get. :D

That's it for this week!

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