Hell's Gatekeepers Annoucements
(Guardian Paladorion)
Hells Gatekeepers phyle
Motto: Hatred is the quill that pierces the soul.
Tetrarch: GRD Paladorion
Members: 11
Not to much to report this week:
-Still waiting for the feud to start
-If you want to do something (Breadian :P)take part in my new runon (www.krath.org, then go to forum), write a poem and if its good you can get a DC for it!
Also you can write something for the krath/house/phyle archives or answer
-The website is still not fully online (I'm gonna slap JaM3z when I see him for that) but when it's finished you'll be able to visit it at: hellsgatekeepers.port5.com
-In the main time try to graduate from the SA and get hold of the Acolyte rank (/me points at Artemis Daia and Quan)
Well, that's all for this week.
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