<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#CD0000"> <tr> <td>INTRODUCTION</td> </tr> </table>
I must apologize to you all for my lack of activity of late and it will continue for at least another week. I have been putting in some long hours at the "cantina" and have had little time for my duties. Also I'm coming close to my four year anniversary of being around the Dark Brotherhood and am having difficulty having fun anymore.
So you will see changes within the next month
good or bad changes is still to be determined.
<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#CD0000"> <tr> <td>REPORT SUMMARY</td> </tr> </table>
Orbs of Power
The "Who the Hell are You? Competition Results
Pregnancy Mystery League
<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#CD0000"> <tr> <td>FRESSH NEWS</td> </tr> </table>
#001 - Orbs of Power
It's still happening. You can find all the info in the operations section of the Squad page.
#002 - The "Who the Hell are You?" Competition Results
First Place goes to Acolyte Nakata!
Other participants include Acolyte Mysticsith and Guardian Sancho.
Awards and points are being taken care of.
Originally I had thought this as a two part competition, I think I will hold Phase II until other activities are over.
#003 - Pregnancy Mystery League
A Diamond/Sapphire competition. And for once we are making fun of someone other than Goatham.
I know alot of you don't like to write or think they aren't very good at it, but this is just all in fun. A short little story on how the great Trev's wife got knocked up. :P
<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#CD0000"> <tr> <td>SITTING ORDERS</td> </tr> </table>
Wake up, Drink up, but don't F*ck up.
<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#CD0000"> <tr> <td>CURRENT ROSTER</td> </tr> </table>
CMDR/SW Bob-Fett
Drank some Alcoholic beverages.
FM/JH Lelio/Diamond 1-2
No activity.
FM/DJK Den Darkhill/Diamond 1-3
No Activity.
FM/Open Position/Diamond 1-4
FL/GRD Sancho/Diamond 2-1
11-14 - Seen on IRC.
FM/Open Position/Diamond 2-2
FM/Open Position/Diamond 2-3
FM/Open Position/Diamond 2-4
FL/ACO Nakata/Diamond 3-1
11-02 - On Leave. (computer problems)
11-09 - Submitted entry for Squadron Competition.
FM/ACO Myrrkal Mysticsith/Diamond 3-2
11-11 - Seen on IRC.
11-12 - Seen on IRC.
11-13 - Seen on IRC.
FM/Open Position/Diamond 3-3
FM/Open Position/Diamond 3-4
_NOTE: No Activity doesn't mean you didn't do a damn thing...It just means I just didn't see you do a damn thing :P _
That is all!
SW Bob-Fett(Sith)/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow
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